Friday, 25 June 2021


 How does an intangible life force gain entry into a tangible physical dimension? That's a good

question, and one that I will attempt to answer here in this blog. Life in its essence is a fluid 

dynamic energy that has intelligence and awareness, it is basically PURE ENERGY  that is

omnipresent and ubiquitous. We as human beings are part of this universal energy and in our

essence, we too are all omnipresent and universally aware. In that pure spirit or pure intelligent

energy state, we cannot  interact or even touch anything that is made of matter.

The intangible cannot touch the tangible. So in order to incarnate into this planet Earth, we have

to become TANGIBLE  and  become matter, in our case biological matter. In order for this to

occur , we have to surrender  our omnipresence at infinite depth, and allow ourselves to

become LOCALIZED within a POINT of SELF aware consciousness, which amount to a 

singularity vortex  field , where our universal consciousness and awareness is super

compressed and condensed  into solid like biological matter  We then literally "PHASE

OUT" of our universal awareness and consciousness as an AMNESIA overrides our full

knowing of who we really are.

We are then born with a virtual blank slate, with all memory of before wiped out. However 

as we grow and mature and gain many experiences, flashes of intuition and gut feelings can

cause you to wonder, and if this leads you to begin looking into your self, you may well then

begin to remember who you really are.

We all need all the experiences we each experience, because as we are all held here on 

Earth in a singularity point of reference, so too are our experiences pointers to a direction

that will lead to a full discovery of who you really are, and that pointer points to that of

looking within yourself, taking up meditation or yoga.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto  your family and friends Thanks.

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