Saturday 5 June 2021


Within every human being there lies a direct connection to the spiritual presence that is 

vouchsafed within our heart chakra and relays in thought form through our brain or mind.

This inner direct connection is called our intuition, the word intuition literally means 'to

be taught from within'  which when we understand this function of being taught from within

this then begs the question of whom and what is this inner teacher? Who and what is the nature

of this inner intuition that helps me in times of crisis and emotional upheavals ?  Intuition is a

connecting inbuilt link that ties into directly your higher self, which is really just another name

for your immortal divine soul.

Another name for intuition is that 'still small voice' that whispers words of comfort and reassurance

when we are in a crisis, and our backs are up against the wall, this still small voice is intuition 

acting within you, because this drama in your life has created an alignment magnetic link to

your higher self.

This link is always there within us, but many fail to notice its benign presence, because we all

seem to be totally occupied with outward vision, and rarely ever venturing within ourselves

and exploring the infinite inner realm that exists within all life.

We all have the power to consciously align ourselves to consciously connect to our inner teacher

which is called intuition but in truth it is your higher self the immortal soul. All we need to do

is to take up the practice of meditation or yoga, and begin making inroads within ourselves.

This way we do not have to wait for a crisis to come a calling before we listen to that 

reassuring inner voice, instead we can align ourselves to its presence, and thereby get flashes

of insight and expanded ideas that will help us understand ourselves and life much better.

Our intuition is much like having an inner guru, or teacher on hand, who can help us navigate

our pathway through life.

All human life on this planet has this inbuilt vouchsafed facility ready made and awaiting your

attention, all you need to do, without waiting for a crisis to begin your awakening process, is to

look within yourself, and find your true inner SELF, that is patiently waiting to love you into

awakening your real inner nature.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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