Thursday 10 June 2021


 One important message I was given over four decades ago now, from a very wise old man

who told me that we as human beings are all SOULS with a physical body vehicle, and NOT

a physical body  with a soul, there is a massive difference between the two, revealing that the

primal principle is the SOUL which is always FIRST,  the physical vehicle is NOT a 

principle, only the soul IS.

Our physical bodies and only tools, biological machines, with the brain having a biological 

computer within its head complex, when we can see and reveal the reality of what expressed

life actually means, and why it occurs, when we can fully understand that a human being, you

and me, who see ourselves as persons,' real people' whatever that means. are primarily  a divine

immortal soul, that is using the biological machine, you call a real person, in order to gain 

experiences of tangibility here on Earth, it cannot experience tangibility when in its pure 

life energy state, that is impossible to experience when you are pure ethereal living intelligent

energy. YOUR REAL inner SELF which is is the ESSENCE of the SOURCE from which we


will eternally remain so, which is UNBORN-UNMADE- you ESENCE has NEVER experienced

BIRTH nor will it EVER experience the fallacy and FACADE we all call DEATH,

If you are an enteral immortal being which we ALL ARE, then any change in that state of 

ETERNAL BEINGNESS would be and IS IMPOSSIBLE and the very idea of it ever occurring

is totally ABSURD and nonsensical.

When you car (vehicle) wears out, you scrap it IT dies) and you buy another vehicle, when

your physical body wears out, you simply EXIT THE VEHICLE (what you call dying) and 

then move into the astral realm in your astral body, (which is much finer and less material than

the physical body) and you then carry on living as before you EXITED you vehicle. here you 

will rest up, tack stock, meet up with old friends and family, (as long as there is an affinity tie 

and love between you) If there is no magnetic connection then you will not meet them. the old

adage of "birds of a feather flock together" holds well in the astral realms.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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