Monday 28 June 2021


 The design of life expressed for humanity seems to be in the shape of a cross, where one

line is horizontal and the other is vertical, these two lines of force meet exactly within the

centre of the chest , where the heart chakra is located. These two lines of force take the shape

of four circles, or petals, two circles vertical, and two circles horizontal, when looked at this 

cross shape is a replica of the infinity sign which is shown as the number eight lying on its

side horizontally, with a vertical eight number intersecting the horizontal one. Which then

makes two petals vertical, and two petals horizontal. The horizontal line of the cross shape 

represents our gathering of experiences, and the vertical line represents our vertical journey

into spirituality. Physical life seems to be presented like four petals of a LOTUS. The cross

is shaped like four petals , or circles , two vertical, two horizontal. Both lines making the 

eight shape are both torus fields that hold the expression within its cohesive embrace..

The buzz word these days seems to be that of ASCENSION, what does that actually mean?

Ascension means literally to 'rise up' into the vertical line of the cross shape.

As we have gathered lots of experiences over many life times here on earth, we gradually

begin to ascend up the vertical line of the cross configuration. Each point we raise ourselves

into soul and spiritual awareness and consciousness, we have an effect upon the horizontal

line of the cross shape. What then begins to occur is that the horizontal line begins to ROTATE

very very gradually this rotation of the horizontal line will begin its own rotation, which when

it reaches its full climax, the horizontal line will converge and meld into the vertical, making

just one horizontal line. If and when that point arises within you dear reader, it will mean that

your future incarnations will immediately cease, and that your karmic liabilities will have been

cancelled out, thereby you will be of the wheel of life, and thereby totally free to select what

next you chose to do.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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