Sunday 27 June 2021


 For pure SPIRIT life to CLIMB out of its Absolute motionless stateless state and enter into

the relative universe, there needs to be a dramatic crystallization process occurring in order to

punch an opening through the membrane that separates the Absolute from the Relative 

universe. Spirit or Life  they mean to same thing is in its pure state an ethereal fluid which

is omnipresent invisible and all KNOWING. In order for life to become expressed, which 

means that it has motion, it has to undergo a massive crystallization process , a contraction

and condensation of living energy  into a relative point of super compressed pure life, this

compression opens up a connecting bridge between a dimensionless infinity into a relative 

universe, which is a perfect circle which is boundless in its limitless scope. The super 

compression wave needed to carry this life atom into relativity is called a singularity vortex,

the vortex is a carrier wave for the life essence into materiality, It takes a mind blowing 

sequence to bring about one fractal image into materiality. Imagine compressing infinity

into a single point ! That is the intensity that is configured every time a soul walks this earth,

Our pure omnipresent consciousness and awareness is compressed into one POINT  which is

infinitely small in its SIZE-LESS SIZE!! We exit this POINT  within a material body, and 

become relative beings, rather than Absolute Being. What does all this really mean then.

Well the bottom line is that all life is SOURCE ABSOLUTE being expressed in endless 

divergent ways throughout this universe. Mankind are all SOURCE ABSOLUTE  

MASQUERADING as so called individuals .who are all going about THEIR business!!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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