Saturday 12 June 2021


 Unexpressed life is Absolute Motionlessness suspended Infinite Potentiality, awaiting the 

Ignition sequence of an INTENTION THOUGHT motioning directive, resting in the Bosom

of Absolute Perfection in RESTIVE state, where NO-THING EXISTS except pure absolute 

AWARENESS. Then we have life which is being expressed, which means simply that it has

gained perpetual motion, and vibrates with an energy signature of whatever  portion of life

it is currently exhibiting at that moment within the eternal NOW.

All expressed life is under universal LAW, which is immutable and totally AUTOMATIC in

its operation. We as human beings have inherited many misguided and false tales of how these

laws actually work. The main one is what religious folk call SIN, and that if you sin you are 

thereby punished by GOD for that sin. SIN does NOT EXIST within the realms of REALITY

it is PURELY a concocted fallacy invented by Priests over a thousand years ago, in order to

instil fear and foreboding within you, and to force you to do as they told you to do, toe the line

of GOD will destroy you!

We are NEVER punished (IMPACTED) FOR what we do, rather we are IMPACTED BY 

what we DO!  there is a big  difference here. We have to try and understand that all of

humanity is being expressed within living energy that has become condensed and congealed

into a material matter, this energy if not in harmonic resonance within its full spectrum of

an expressed point (you and me) therein disharmony comes within us, and this disharmony

causes us illness and dis-ease if not corrected. There is no judge of mankind whatsoever, it does

not and cannot exist, and the reason for its non-existence is each of our CONSCIENCE, your

conscience and mine is our judge, jury, and executioner, no other being and that INCLUDES


yourself, your judgement of yourself is sacrosanct. and absolute. Be under no illusion dear

reader, that we can hide anything from our TRUE SELF, this is totally impossible, we may 

manage to delude ourselves with all manner of deceptive practices while here on Earth, but

when we exit our vehicles at the time of departure (death ,changing venues) we are then exposed

to the full extent of what we have thought, said, and done, while here on Earth, we then feel all

that we have done both the negative and the positive and thereby work on striking a balance to

repay our dues, where owed. We do this ourselves, no GOD or any other beings interfere with

our own business, we are fully responsible for ourselves, and that's the fairest way it can ever be.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Karma is just a ECHO of past practices coming home to roost!
