Saturday 30 January 2021


 We as human beings are all basically 'Informed Facets'  of the ONE living JEWEL, an 

informed facet means that we are all 'clothed' within a physical biological machine, a 

vehicle that 'permits' Divinity entrance into this physical domain of planet Earth.

The living JEWEL that we are all facets of, is of course that of the SOURCE  of all 

motion and life as we know it.

The word JEWEL can be broken down into five distinct words, that of, Joining-Energy

-With-Emotional-Love=JEWEL. The energy (MOTION) that was manifested within the

PRIMORDIAL thought wave of the Source that carries the Divine SPIRIT  within It, 

which is then expressed in the word 'EMOTION' the letter 'E' that is attached to MOTION,

here represents the 'SPIRIT' of all LIFE.

We are all SOURCE made into FRACTAL FACETS of compressed and congealed light

energy, then packaged within a physical vehicle which then permits the ESSENCE of all

LIFE the SOURCE, to gain entrance into the physical domain where duality and dimensions

exist. We need to remember that is ESSENCE 'WE' are all INANGIBLE SPIRIT GOD! 

Our major problem being enclosed within this physical machine is that we totally forget who

we really are, we mistakenly misidentify our biological machines as being who we really are,

which when you think about it, seems very odd, imagine if you identified yourself with the 

car you drive to work in, you told everyone that you were personally the FORD CAR you 

drove to work in! Would your sanity not be questioned? Yet we do this all the time with your

physical VEHICLE the biological machine! We are not biological machines, what we are is 

the SOURCE of all LIFE , fragmented into 7.7 billion facets of the ONE LIVING JEWEL.

Facets that are mirror images of each other, fractal facets that act like a collective HOLOGRAM

each facet collecting its own experiences and also contributing to the WHOLE as well.

Each FACET (you and me) are here to remember who you REALLY ARE, and not what you

think you are, this is obtained by the gathering of experiences, each experience brings YOU 

dear reader of this blog, one experience closer to knowing your true identity and fully 

knowing yourself, which means find the SOURCE WITHIN YOURSELF!

Warmest Regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


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