Saturday 9 January 2021


 To present this blog today, I use two forks to make inroads into the mystery of FIRE and

how it coalesces into that of INTUITION. First with that of Christianity and the term 'HOLY

SPIRIT', the word SPIRIT comes from the Latin word 'SPIRITUS' which literally means

BREATH. To me the term HOLY SPIRIT translates directly into 'DIVINE FIRE' the 

WHOLLY FLAME  of LIFE ITSELF. The second fork is found in HINDUISM  with the

God of fire AGNI  which is the Sanskrit word for FIRE. The son of ANGIRAS a VEDIC

RISHI (SAGE) teacher of divine knowledge and messenger between man and God, This

messenger will be shown here as that of INTUITION.

All expressed life universally is a direct LIVING FLAME/FIRE, our entire physical vehicles

(human bodies) are completely and totally surrounded by this LIVINF FLAME, we call it by

the name of ELECTROMAGNETIC energy, which LITERALLY is a LIVING FLAME,

our dense physical bodies are composed of frozen fire (congealed LIGHT). SPIRIT equals FIRE

that is what we ALL OUR, what keeps us from seeing this living FLAME which is what we all

ARE, is the SMOKE that surrounds the living FLAME, if you place the word IGNORANCE

instead of the word SMOKE, we can then clearly see why we fail to notice the reality of our

being. INTUITION is that WHOLLY SPIRIT, within you, if you are a Christian, or it is AGNI

if you are a HINDU, or just plain intuition if you are not of these two. Intuition lives within your

heart chakra centre, it directly connects you to your higher self, which is your immortal soul.

It is the living FIRE of the ABSOLUTE SPIRIT and WE are all TOTALLY CONNECTED to

IT!  When we CONSUME all the SMOKE that clouds our vision of our true BEING, our

ignorance will MELT AWAY by the QUICKENING FLAME within and will reveal the

Majesty of our Divine living GRACE. 

INTUITION, that DIVINITY within us, has unlimited POWER to reveal ALL the mysteries

of life, all the wisdom within this universe, all knowledge, lie within yourself. Don't take my

word for it, look within YOURSELF and find out for yourself.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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