Wednesday 20 January 2021


 The SELF mentioned here today relates to that of the Infinite Absolute Perfection of

Pure-Absolute Awareness. Infinite Divine Intelligence , or if we want to shorten this to

that of a much more familiar name, as that of being just GOD.  Humanity consists of  7,7

billion  vehicles (human bodies) each vehicle contains the soul-essence  of the absolute

infinite SELF, the Self which is infinite and ubiquitous within its perfection of Being, 

becomes 'localised' (relative as opposed to being absolute)  within a singularity vortex

that acts as a 'localizer' of  the universal presence of the self, this then acts as the localised

UNIT of presence (self) within a physical vehicle (human body) this then displays itself

as our "I" am self aware consciousness state, we then become an I AM so in so John Smith

or Mary Poppins, We then all evolve and grow up into what we term as self-aware persons

or individuals. We then ignorantly confuse our physical vehicles as that of whom we really are

this mistaken identification of believing we are just a biological machine called John smith

or whatever, causes all the woes and wars we have on this planet, all the selfish greed and lust

for power at any price, is because we all think we are separate beings, and our ignorance blinds

us all to the fact that we are all totally connected and interconnected to each other. We are all

brothers and sisters of the ONE SOURCE of ALL LIFE.

We are not PERSONS, you reading this now, you are not a PERSON, what you really are is

a PRESENCE, and that presence is the SELF. When we feel a presence around us in times of

trial and crises, this PRESENCE that you FEEL, is YOUR-SELF comforting its relative charge

touching the physical vehicle, engaging the inner emotions, and also functioning the tear ducts

that enable you to cry with relief and comfort.

Our little selves which we construct from memory and interactions with parents and friends which

then go onto our building an ego construct (I AM ME) idea,  this becomes the lower false 

temporal self. When we begin looking within ourselves, we then begin to become aware of the

essence of our true being. The SELF which is GOD, is closer to you than your HANDS and 

FEET, in fact there is ZERO-DISTANCE from YOU and the SELF, in truth YOU are the

SELF, and you know it not!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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