Sunday 3 January 2021

Universal SOURCE - Soul Enfolding Living Facet. U S =S E L F .

 We, that thing called Humanity, are all basically the Universal Source, fragmented and 

exhibiting a fractal nature which mirrors each being as its own reflection, We are holograms that

reflect and react within the field of physical expressed dynamics, which we call human life.

We are like physical light prisms reflecting our colours (light emanations from the emotional

centres of our being). We each reflect what we are at that very moment in that particular NOW.

So if in that now you are angry, the colour RED would emanate from within your physical 

body and radiate this red light into the ether. We exhibit all the colours of the spectrum simply

because we are all composed of LIVING LIGHT.

We are all very akin to of 'falling stars' and we all fall to Earth (lower dimension)  in order to 

realise that which we all ready ARE. which is the SELF. The first TWO STAGES towards this

end are 1) recognising the lower self, as the EGO/ MIND/ and the illusion of individuality, 2)

is the gradual awakening of the intuition which then leads on to the awareness of the

indwelling divine immortal soul, and the final stage (3) is in the full recognition of the 

INFINITE SELF as that of YOU being the SOURCE of ALL, in other words GOD!

There is much information regarding the law of reincarnation, how we flow down into physical

life then flow up into astral life, a cycle within a cycle. What we are not often told is that

this is only a small part in the operation that is required to enable a soul to set foot upon this

planet. What we are never told is the reality that enables this to take place. The mechanics

that are required for ONE SOUL to set foot on Earth are mind boggling, to say the least.

The SOUL that seeks entrance into the EARTH plane dimension needs to acquire the 

ELEMENTS that are needed to make a PHYSICAL HUMAN BODY, these elements are

obtained by the COOPERATION of the elements of EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER, the

soul asks the four elements for the LOAN of their individual energies in order to have a 

vehicle to use upon this plane of expression. The FIFTH element, which is ethereal energy, is

supplied by the soul. This completes one PACKAGE that can be born out of the womb of the

mother in question. Without the loving unselfish service that is rendered to the whole of 

humanity by the four basic fundamental elements of earth, air, fire and water, we could never

evolve as we have done. I bow my head in gratitude to these essential elements for my expression

here today. In our innocent ignorance we all fail to recognise the service that is rendered to us all.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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