Monday 25 January 2021


 In the 'BEFORE' when motion was as yet unborn, total absolute silence reigned Supreme.

There was no darkness, or light, no space, no energy, no atoms, no universe, absolute 

nothingness, a void of total silence and zero-motion, no thing whatsoever existed, Except,

Awareness and the Now,  both of these are eternally still motionless and silent.

Even consciousness was as yet UNMOVED into BEING, motion was born aloft a primordial

intentional thought wave, arising from within the Infinite awareness, and this intentional thought

wave was the Primordial First CAUSE, that effected the Birth of this universe. Within the 

absolute PURITY of  PURE-AWARENESS there is no "I" present  at this level of BEING

all that is there is AM AWARENESS, pure awareness cannot reflect upon itself, it just "IS"

the reflection principle exists only in consciousness, but not in PURE AWARENESS.

The 'BEFORE' is now long behind us, in this here and now we are known as human beings,

we have all journeyed far and wide from that point where "WE" were rudely awakened from

our motionless bliss, and cast out of EDEN into the maelstrom  which was the about to be born

relative universe. Here as human beings we have all got that GOD LIKE quality of I AM

self aware consciousness.

Consciousness is awareness being refracted through the prism of your lower self, without 

reflection consciousness dissolves into pure awareness, we spend our entire lives reflecting 

this and that, what would reflection reveal to you, if you read the story about MOSES in the

Bible, where Moses says to GOD, whom shall I say sent me? To which God replies, tell them

that "I AM" sent you, I am that I am sent you?  What are the first two WORDS YOU

UTTER when introducing yourself to another??  YOU say "I AM" so in so! May I 

respectively suggest that you REFLECT upon this, use your consciousness in its reflective

mode, then when you do that, listen deeply into your awareness, and then draw any conclusions

that may therefore arise within your inner self.

Warmest regards Michael/ any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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