Friday 22 January 2021


'WE'  are all the PRESENCE of Divinity manifested within a biological machine we commonly

call Humanity, or human beings. Human beings are referred to as persons, or a person, this 

person then identifies itself with the biological machine, its life ESSENCE (soul) is encased in.

So that this person (you and me) then adds to this person and therefore becomes a personality.

the 'ALITY' bit added onto the PERSON represents  the ego, mind, and the added illusion of a 

sense of being an INDIVIDUAL.

In truth there is no such a thing as a person, person equals that of and means a 'Biological

Machine; nothing more than that. The biological machines (you and me) are only acting as

VEHICLES for the PRESENCE  to gain access into this dense low vibration, low dimensional

field of reference.

You reading this blog are not a PERSON, what you are in TRUTH is a PRESENCE. and that

presence is that of Divine Spirit (GOD) , which is expressed as a Divine Immortal SOUL.

The SOUL is the animator of the biological machine, you think of as being who you really are!

The word PIED as spelt out in this blogs title means a TWO TONED BEING, the two tones 

are that of being FIRST SPIRIT, and second being a Immortal Soul, there is no third tone as

the physical body does not really count, as it is just a vehicle, like the car you drive to work in,

the physical body belongs to the elements that loaned the PRESENCE the materials to construct

the physical vehicle, which was that of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, the fifth element which is the

ethereal element was supplied by the immortal soul.

Our emotions are direct links into feeling that Presence we all are, when we can feel in AWE of

the moment, and great emotional energy rushes through your being, that is YOUR inner

PRESENCE touching you outwardly, the hand of God touching you in moments of great

emotional up-welling's is in fact your inner divinity surfacing within you, and embracing you

as a parent would embrace their loving child.

If we can only remember that this inner PRESENCE which lies within you, has ZERO 

DISTANCE to reach YOU! It is closer to you than your hands and feet, there is not one ATOM

distance between YOU and the PRESENCE. This realisation can bring great comfort when we

feel afraid lost and lonely. We can never be really ever alone, as the PRESENCE is always

within us.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Truly knowing yourself, is in knowing that YOU, yes YOU are the PRESENCE that you have searched for all of your life, the PRESENCE cannot ever be found OUT-THERE only within YOUR-SELF. out there does not EXIST.
