Wednesday 6 January 2021

Arising Spiritual Knowledge In Neural Gateway. A S K I N G .

 It is written in the Bible Matthew 7;7-8, "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find,

knock and the door will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, the one seeks finds,

and the one who knocks the door will be opened". What does this mean to each one of us?

Who do we ask the question to? If we answer GOD, then that's ok if you believe in a God, but

what about those who do not believe in a God? Are they doomed to remain in eternal ignorance?

The answer is NO certainly not! The questions that arise within us all, can and ARE answered

by ourselves. The question of ASKING is that of asking our INNER SELF, not a GOD, but rather

a SELF which is within every human being, we can ask ourselves the question of 'WHO AM "I"?

Really? When we ask that question of ourselves, we then SEEK within ourselves for the answer.

and in so doing we then KNOCK upon that inner DOOR, which lies within our heart chakra

and as we KNOCK upon that inner DOOR it will open and WELCOME you with a loving

feeling of COMPLETE ACCEPTENCE. Spiritual knowledge  is WHO WE REALLY ARE

WE are all made up from SPIRITUAL ENERGY, it is the substance-less substance of the SPIRIT

that exists within our core of BEING, that is who and WHAT YOU ARE!  Within each human

being lies the answer to all questions, all universal realities are vouchsafed within each human

being, it lies within your heart, all knowledge, all wisdom, is there within each one of the 7.7

billion souls on this Earth, all you have to do to access this infinite wisdom and knowledge is

to look deeply within yourself. Nothing is ever HIDDEN from us, if we ask the questions

that really are MEANINGFUL and NOT SURFICIAL trivial questions, like will I win the

lottery type questions!  It will be answered by your higher self level of consciousness.

When we earnestly seek within OURSELVES the DOOR will OPEN and reveal the INNER

LIGHT that illumines the inner chamber of our heart, in here lies the answer to all your 

wonderings, your hopes, the release of all fears, inner peace and serenity live within this place

it BELONGS  TO YOU DEAR READER, all you have to do, IS GO WITHIN and CLAIM

IT! Are you now ready to ASK?

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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