This blog today entitled WING is about how if we gain wisdom it raises up
a CONNUNDRUM which seems to imply that if we awaken into the deep
wisdom of life and its meaning we will then realize that we now know nothing,
and then the wisdom of NOTHING is GAINED?
Wisdom goes far beyond just understanding something. It probes deep into the
very matrix of BEING and what expression really mean. Wisdom arises within us
when we begin to look deeply within ourselves and begin to see and understand the
total connectivity of all life and things. Wisdom arises out of our intuitive inner
nature, it is the ability to perceive the perspective as a whole, and further qualify
this inner knowing with an intuitive response .
Wisdom states that when you know NOTHING you are then able to know ALL.
Because wisdom reveals that ALL and NOTHING are both Intrinsically connected.
When we gain a thorough understanding of NO-THING we will then automatically
gain the wisdom which is ALL.
Knowledge is something that we learn, while wisdom is something we awaken into when
we begin to know who we really are,
Underneath that thick blanket of ignorance that covers over humanity lies all the wisdom
of SOLOMON awaiting us to look within and uncover it for ourselves.
All universal wisdom lies dormant deep within us all, if you want to access this wisdom
then look with an open heart and seek out that inner silence deep within you, when all
thoughts are stilled, this will then guide you to where all wisdom dwells, which is deep
within you now reading this blog!
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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