Friday 18 August 2023



This blog today entitled COST is ab out an IDEA that came to me about why we

are all here, and why was a universe manifested , and what's more for what reason?

The reason will be given in this blog, what I think will explain why we are all here

expressing that thing called life. First though we need to consider that the SOURCE

of all , which is Absolute Intelligence who we often call GOD, being Absolute and

a SINGULAR ETERNAL motionlessness BEING. In its Absolute stateless state 

the Absolute CAN NEVER EXPERIENCE ANYTHING at all, Absolute ZERO

experience. All the attributes that we have as humanity which are touch-taste-smell

hear-see plus also to be able to move and have motion, to feel emotion and be able 

to express them all, these thing that humans can do every day are NOT POSSIBLE

in a Absolute state of BEING.

Therefore I propose that the Absolute Source long long ago became CURIOUS about

what movement and motion would be like to experience and that this CURIOSITY

was then realized by the Absolute by arising an INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE

within its Absolute Mind . This Primordial thought wave then became a motional 

universe in which the Absolute placed its essence WITHIN IT . As its Thought wave

expanded into infinity. This CURIOSITY explains also that infinite diversity that 

life expresses throughout this relative universe.

Just as our planet Earth has millions of diverse life forms upon it, all gathering their

own experiences and their essences are recording those experiences to the SOURCE

every second of every day simultaneously.

The Absolute Source is getting feedback from all life universally. COST is about realizing

that we as humanity can awaken into the realization that we are all the SOURCE  being

motioned into what we call relative life,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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