Monday 14 August 2023



This blog today entitled BUSHEL is about the presence of mankind upon this 

planet, and what lies within the essence of humanity and what force propels 

our lives along a  pathway of an uncertain destiny? What is mankind. and what is

its inner nature ? How many of us know who we really are? That which the 

ancient GREEKS wrote over the entrance to the temple of APOLLO in Delphi 

"MAN KNOW THYSELF" how many of us reading this now, fully know who

and what we really are?  Life is the motioning atomic vibration of that which is

transcendent of life and is that of the SELF which is SPIRIT.

Outwardly we are all biological vehicle machines, which we call humanity, or

a human being, but inwardly we are all animated by a Divine IMPULSE known 

to many as the OM or AUM vibration. This universal throb which animates all

life everywhere in this universe is the invisible pulse that allows us purchase in

this realm of physical density. We are all unborn eternal spirit  the SELF undergoing

a relative expression here on planet Earth.

There are two main reasons why we are all here, one is to wake up and fully know 

and realize who you are,this one takes many incarnations here to fully penetrate 

through the dense blanket of ignorance that hides our true identity from us.

The other reason for us being here is to collect relative experiences of tangible

living and the interactions of being engaged with other gatherers of experiences

and the exchanges that we encounter with those other souls.

The SELF (GOD)  cannot experience these things in the ABSOLUTE STILLNESS

of ALL, it has to partake to become relative  and life in motion in order to experience

motional tangible relative life. BUSHEL is about SELF becoming living energy

which is YOU and ME!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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