Wednesday 9 August 2023



This blog today entitled VOUCHES is about how we human beings Humanity

our human being vehicles with a physical body on the outside, and deep within

us all we are that of Divine Spirit. We will come to understand that our physical

bodies actually embody that of Divine Immortal Spirit/SELF. 

We will all eventually come to understand that VOUCHSAFED within each one

of us is the real BEING, that Divine PRESENCE that is the Immortal  eternal 

SELF/GOD. We will come to realize that this inner PRESENCE is who we 

really all ARE! And that our physical bodies are only vehicles for the Divine Self


VOUCHES is about us all waking up and realizing our true immortal divine Identity.

"WE" are all here to gather experience and also to wake up into knowing our true 

SELF. The inner Spirit is intangible and incapable of being able to experience 

tangible life, that is why it conjured up  vehicle made out of condensed energy ,which

we call flesh and bone and thereby becomes clothed within five KOSHAS or sheaths

so that it then could be able to enter this dense physical plane we call Earth.

When we can go within and seek to uncover the truth of our being, that lies 

hidden away from our view by a thick layer of ignorance that blankets our view 

of who we really are.

Knowing OURSELVES is the primary thing we need  to uncover the TRUTH of

your BEING lies within you NOW!  Make the choice to look within yourself 

and find out your true INNER BEING, WE all owe it to ourselves to fully know

WHO and WHAT we really are.

regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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