Sunday 13 August 2023



This blog today entitled SHIMMER is about that which lies hidden deep within our

core matrix of being. This hidden inner PRESENCE is that of the SELF which is

the invisible SOURCE of all expressed life universally.

This  hidden Divine Presence SHIMMERS within us with an invisible electromagnetic

light that completely enfolds all living entities.

Humanity as far as we know is at the apex of the evolutionary and ascension pathway

of evolving life. We are at the point of our ascension that we have the ability to fully

know who we are, what we truly are we have SELF AWARE I AM consciousness we

all have the ability to ask that inner question of WHO AM I Really? No other life on

Earth has this unique ability. We will discover if we look within ourselves that our 

physical bodies are in fact biological machines that are acting as vehicles for that

invisible being within us, so that it can gain purchase within  this dense physical

realm of Earth.

SHIMMER is about bringing that invisible inner presence into the light of our 

inner knowing of its presence within us. That by looking  within ourselves we can

shed light on our true inner nature.

We will come to understand that truly knowing ourselves is the most important 

thing we can ever know. We will discover by looking within ourselves by taking

up meditation that we have all had many lives here on Earth gathering vast amounts

of experiences and beginning to know and understand that we are all spiritual 

beings, meaning that we have all emerged from the GREAT SPIRIT which is the

SELF. We will then see and know that outwardly we are human vehicles, but 

inwardly we are all the eternal SELF gathering  tangible experiences.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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