Friday 4 August 2023



This blog today entitled DNA is about how Divine wisdom and Intelligence has 

encoded within ur expressed matrix a method of gradual awakening into our full

inner knowing of who and what we really are. DNA is also very much aligned 

with the twin forces of YINA and YANG. The DNA intelligence will eventually 

lead the physical into a profound state of neutrality where we will be neither 

positive or negative but will be much more like the BUDDHIST idea of the 

Middle path between the two opposites.

Our DNA and chromosomes are configured in such a way that as we progress 

mentally and spiritually we begin  to unconsciously unlock our DNA potentiality

and thereby gain access to inner knowledge about ourselves, that has been opened

up chemically by our advances in spiritual and mental unfolding's.

The middle road between YING and YANG is that of neutrality. When we begin 

to realize that our inner being which is PURE SPIRIT is that of Absolute Neutrality

which is transcendent of YING and YANG . YING and YANG belong in the 

relative universe  as does DNA, but humanity in essence is transcendent of this 

relative universe  and is in truth Absolute Eternal Spirit. Our DNA and YIN and

YANG are intelligent "POINTERS OF THE WAY" that leads life back into the

place it left aeons ago.

As we grow more spiritually aware we will then unlock more coding sequences

of our DNA which will impinge upon you aware consciousness and finally  reveal


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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