Wednesday 30 August 2023



This blog today entitled SYMBOLS is about how all life universally emerges out

from that SINGULAR ONE ENTITY which is SPACE. Source presenting as 

Contained ENTITY .  Space is the relative representation of the Absolute Void

of the SOURCE. All expressed life emerges out from space and becomes occupiers

of it. The immaterial intangible SOURCE becomes localized in the medium of

SPACE which is a relative pulsating vibrant membrane of which all life becoming

PIERCES through this membrane and enters into space, and is then constricted and

congealed into tangible living energy matter. This whole universe is an infinite amounts

of occupiers of the ONE SPACE. All stars and planets are all occupiers of that ONE

ENTITY which is space. Space is a living field of intelligent energy , much like a fluid

form of consciousness?

Humanity all eight billion of us are all occupiers of that ONE ENTITY  which is space.

We all live and move and have our being in this wonderful theatre of SPACE.

All life is a Virtual SYMBOL of an inner invisible intangible Source. When we look 

within ourselves we can make contact with this inner BEING which is our higher SELF.

All Life is a cloaked down representation of an inner powerful force which animates 

this relative universe. Humanity is cloaked down by five KOSHAS or SHEATHS  that

cover over the PURE SPIRIT energy keeping it from coming into direct contact with

gross matter. When we can look within ourselves and obey the ancient mantra fro the

temple of Apollo in Delphi ancient GREECE  which states "MAN KNOW THYSELF"

When we can know our true immortal SELF we will then understand what life is really

about. The answer to all questions lie within us all, LOOK THERE.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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