Saturday 26 August 2023



This blog today entitled MOMENT is about us understanding the full MAJESTY

of motion universally, and how this Divine Motional Flow allows LIFE and 

Existence to come ON-LINE and become into infinitely diverse forms. Motion

is the basic PRIMAL INGREDIENT that is essential to all life and existence to

come into presented formation.

Motion equals energy and energy is the building motion that creates shapes and forms

which we call life. Without motion this universe could  not exist and the primal 

ingredient of all motion universally is that of an INTENTIONAL WAVE within 

the Absolute Mind of the Source of ALL Life. Motion arises out of that primal IDEA

and this Intentional IDEA became a relative universe. All atomic and atom excitation

were born aloft that one Primordial Intention Wave . All life universally, humanity 

included are all the physical replications of that ONE Primordial IDEA. This whole

universe is an "IDEA that has taken SHAPE" by infinite WILL.

In simple terms motion equates directly with that of Duality and relativity, while

motionlessness equates directly with that of being Absolute.

All life which is that of Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy emerges out of that ONE

Primal IDEA. The Absolute Source is eternally motionlessness and forever still,. Source

brought about an INTENTION WAVE within its Absolute Mind and thereby manifested

motion= IDEATION from Source. Motion became energy and energy became infinitely

diverse in its evolutionary journey through space. Infinite space is the FIELD that all

motioning takes place. We are all contained within this primal IDEA and are being 

motioned along by an ascension sequence  which will eventually bring all motion back

into eternal stillness and omnipresence. then life and existence which only appear in

the medium of motion, will no longer be present, instead we will all be Eternal unborn


warmest regards michael and feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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