Saturday 22 April 2023



This blog today entitled REELS is about how we perceive the concept of evolution

and what it actually is. Can life actually evolve? And if so what has it evolved from?

LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, so the question arises then

what is the matrix of life? What is its essence? For me the answer is that of SPIRIT

which is that  of the ABSOLUTE SOURCE Being GOD/BRAHMAN, 

Now Spirit/GOD is an UNBORN Eternal Being, Absolute Perfection and therefore

totally Transcendent of an relative concept of evolution. So Spirit or GOD being 

absolute is FOREVER Absolute Perfection, and if spirit is the hidden matrix of all life

how then can life evolve?

The answer is that it cannot in reality evolve as it is perfect in its matrix. The KOSHIC

coverings which adorn presented life do seem to motion through stages of expression.

REELS is about understanding that evolution is really a word meaning that Absolute 

Perfection seeks out tangible experiences and therefore undergoes an almost infinite 

amount of expressive sequencing over this entire relative universe. It is as though this

universe is THOUGHT into Presented sequence so that Divine Intelligence can free

some of its stillness power into relative MOTIONING and seek out experiences of what

we call life.

Life is intelligent motioning Energy. Humanity has reached a point in this awakening

sequence that we can now perceive that we are all Divine Spirit and that we have almost

reached the end of this ILLUSION we call evolution or ascension. We are now ascending

into full waking consciousness of our own Divinity and immortal eternal nature, so we 

can then transcend evolution and just BE an eternal Perfect BEING.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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