Thursday 20 April 2023



This blog today entitled KNIFE is about how we can all become empowered by

going within ourselves and finding out who we really are. The numinous realm 

lies within us all, the word  NUMINOUS comes from the LATIN word NUMEN

meaning "arousing spiritual or religious emotion" mysterious or awe inspiring.

So by going within ourselves we can gain INSIGHTS  into our true inner spiritual

nature. If we take up meditation or yoga we can then begin the journey of full

self knowing. KNIFE is about cutting through our ignorance that holds us in despair

and fears, and beginning to reveal to us what lies within our inner being.

The question of who am I really? Will arise within you, and by persisting on 

this noble inner quest you will reveal the answer to that very question of who am I?

Self Knowing real SELF inner Knowing is one of the most empowering feelings 

you will ever have in this present life time.

Vouchsafed within each one of us is the answer to your real and TRUE immortal

identity. It is all our destinies to reveal this inner truth about our being.

The answer to all your questions LIE within you NOW!  Knowingness can only be

found by looking deeply within your self. The truth of who you are is there within you,

all you have to do is to go within and find it,

We all need to feel empowered, to feel WHOLE and worthwhile , to find inner peace

and serenity, all these valuable assets lie within you now.

KNIFE is about cutting through our ignorance and revealing that ETHEREAL breeze

of fresh air , when we finally KNOW who we REALLY ARE.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family or friends Thanks

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