Monday 29 July 2019

Womb Of Motion Expressing Numinosity. W O M E N . Part Two.

We have all literally been "going through the motions" for billions of years, ever since we left
that place of eternal stillness, that lies within the Absolute Infinite Spirit , that some call God.
Although it may seem absurd and rather strange, I maintain that we are all as yet not fully born.
In fact I think we are all still embryo's awaiting that final point where we will be born into full
SELF REALISATION. This will lead us to be fully born into spirit consciousness, and the
realisation that we are Divine Spirit. At the moment we all our "embryonic gods" awaiting
that final expression where we will "burst out of the womb of motion" and be born into
full spirit consciousness of the SELF.
The SELF stands for Spirit-Eternal-Living-Forever=SELF. Motion equates with developing
life forms, stillness equates with birth and spiritual consciousness.
Here is a couple of quotes from the book called STILLNESS SPEAKS by Eckhart Tolle.
"When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch
with yourself, you lose yourself in the world. Your innermost sense of self of who you are,is
inseparable from stillness. There is the "I AM" that is deeper than name and form" end quote.
We are all expressing numinosity by our motions through experiencing life and its interactions
we are all very long in the experiencing of life, but very short on the realisation as to what this
life actually IS, and further who exactly are we, what lies beneath our facade of form?
Numinosity basically means of the spirit, which we all most certainly are.The mother of all
motion, in whose womb we are all fully enclosed within is called in the east SHAKTI  she
is the Goddess of all universal expression and all motion,emanating from the point of stillness
within the Great spirit the Father image, the FATHER of stillness, the MOTHER of motion,
and the sun/son of consciousness and perception, making a universal triangle of IDEA.MOTION
and AWARENESS.We all our totally entwined within these three aspects of universal expression
we in fact are the three in one expression,we have but to venture within us deeply and will
therefore discover this reality living and dwelling within us.
We are all familiar with the physical body, and what we call birth from a physical womb of your
mother, our next great adventure is to then be reborn into the spirit consciousness of our real divine
nature, then when we are ready, we will here the inner injunction speaking loudly into our conscious
awareness, this inner voice will say,BE STILL, and KNOW THYSELF!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization..

1 comment:

  1. Motion is a habit that is hard to break. Without knowledge, it might never be broken, in order to find the stillness within.
