Wednesday 10 July 2019

Speed Of Universal Life.-S O U L .

All life has motion a velocity that spins the life expression into various formations and densities
the velocity of life takes the form of rotating vibrations that spin within endless eddies of
expressing energy.
Mankind is expressed within a rotational field that tapers downwards into a singularity point,
and exits into this dimension as a being held within an energy matrix, which we call the physical
body. We do not seem to remotely realise that our coherence stasis depends upon the "held
intention" of the one that is animating your vehicle(physical body) that is our immortal divine
higher self the soul.
Should that intention waver for just one micro-second we would just as a body -literally "blink
out of existence, in a proverbial flash!
The decent into matter and the ascent into spirit is called by us as evolution, evolution moves at
a steady velocity, forever moves by the inexhaustible pressure of the Absolute WILL. We as
human beings have left the descending arc into gross matter, and are now firmly upon the
ascension arc which expresses itself in our self aware "I AM" consciousness, we are all waking
up from our aeonic slumber, and are beginning to realise that we are far more than just physical
bodies, we are beginning to sense, and many already know that we are also spiritual beings as
well as physical beings, and this dawning upon our gradual expanding consciousness is having
an impact on the way we are seeing our lives, and what's more, it is causing many of us to
reevaluate the way we live our lives.
One dawning that is beginning to occur in many minds is this; that we are all souls with bodies
and NOT BODIES with souls! What comes first and is primal is the soul,the physical body is
just a vehicle and nothing more than that, the soul is a principle, immutable and eternal, the
physical body is NOT a principle, and rots away to dust, when the true occupier leaves.
We are in some ways fortunate living in this digital age and with the internet, because we can
access information very quickly, whereas in my young days in you wanted any information I
had to go to the local library and read  book about what I wanted to know, now all you have to
do is ask Goggle! Any questions we have about who we are can be found on the internet, there
is no excuse for ignorance any more.
In part two will look more into this.           Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realizaton.

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