Wednesday 17 July 2019

Trinity Of Unity Conscious Harmony.-T O U C H Part Two.

the primal trinity that gave birth to this universe was that of motionlessness, motion,and
consciousness,from absolute stillness came motion, by way of an arising INTENTION within
the Infinite Mind  of the Absolute,this intention gave birth to motion, which was a thought
wave,that rippled out into the newly manifesting virgin universe.
The last part of this primal trinity equation was that of consciousness, consciousness is the
field from which all universal actions take place.
Consciousness is the neutral field that "permits"the temporal polarities that exist within this
relative duality based universe.
These polarities are also called by some as the Yin and Yang duality's, like positive and negative
on and off, love and hate,within these polarities lies the neutral buffer of consciousness.
We human beings are always within the spectrum of polarities, we can be either happy of sad
healthy or sick,some of us like the Buddha mentioned,look for the middle way between the
extremes of emotion,others swing between the two extremes.
We all look for balance and peace of mind, sadly though,we often look for these attributes in
the wrong place, and that is outside of ourselves. True peace and happiness can only be found
by going within ourselves,we may find temporary peace and joy out there, but it will never last
only that which comes from within your deeper inner true nature will last.
We are all three fold triune beings, consisting of mind,body, and spirit,we mainly always focus
of the duality aspect of our being, which to the vast majority of us consists of just the mind and
body, the spirit aspect of our being is most often totally neglected, this then impacts upon us in
a way that produces a imbalance within our energy matrix, and within that imbalance arises all
of the ills and sicknesses that befalls mankind,plus too all the wars, hated, racial tensions,
addictive illnesses like alcoholism and drug addiction,obesity,mental and emotional melt downs
all these afflictions arise from within an unbalanced field which arises because we are only acting
in a dual conscious way,instead of acting within the field of the trinity, and becoming aware that
we are physical, mental, and Spiritual beings, if we neglect that last part of a most vital equation
we will bring pain and suffering upon ourselves.To remedy this imbalance all we need to do, is to look within ourselves, take up meditation or yoga, relax and realise that you are far more than you
ever thought possible.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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