Friday 26 July 2019

As Truth Aligns Reality Accesses Xeno You.-A T A R A X Y .

The word ATARAXY means a "state of serene calmness", which is a state that many of us would
like to be in, but sadly rarely if ever obtained.
As truth aligns reality within our limited framework of consciousness, this can occur either by
an arising crisis manifesting in our lives,or just that we decide to take up something like yoga
or meditation. By looking within ourselves we begin to get a very different perspective of
what is real and what is false.
The word xeno mentioned here in this blogs title means "other,or different,foreigner,and in
Greek it means "strange voice"?
This "strange voice" this "other different foreigner"is in fact the voice of our vehicle, the human
physical body, which so many millions of us think that this physical body is the real deal, which
of course it definitely is not.
Our physical vehicles the human body are in fact just shadows  that mask and obscure the inner
light that dwells within all of humanity, and indeed all of expressed life universally.
Our real eternal SELF, which is expressed within the soul of mankind is the inner light of the
eternal LIFE FORCE which of course is SPIRIT. The spirit and the soul are formless, shapeless
liquid like pure intelligent energy, the living life FORCE, we the SHADOWS have indeed shape
and form, we are semi-solid being of dense congealed light being expressed as flesh and blood
the human body is a physical SHADOW blocking out the spiritual sun that shines beneath the
"facade of form", unlike the physical sun which is a golden yellowy colour, the spiritual sun is
electric blue in colour.
Life within its absolute nature, is motionlessness, formless, shapeless,colourless,absolute silence
eternal, and unexpressed, absolute potentiality within its quintessence. Life being expressed by
way of MOTION manifests itself in many way, as a gas,plasma, material,liquid,all forms and
formlessness are all intelligent energy life expressions, although many of us would fail to recognise
the inherit intelligence that dwells therein.We have the added advantage of being self aware and have
given birth to the "I AM" consciousness, which sets us apart in a way from other life as we can reflect  on what we are doing, and we know that we know, other life expressions have not yet reached
this plateau in their evolution pathway.
In part two will explore this further.         warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to thank all the readers of my blogs that I have been publishing for over three years now, this blog is read in many counties the only one not ever showing is north Korea, hopefully maybe Kim will see my blogs and let his people do the same,if any of the readers have any questions arising from these blogs, then please contact me and i will do my best to answer any question you may have, my email address is at the bottom of all my blogs, thanks once again readers.
