Wednesday 24 July 2019

Mankind Is Spirit Self Ignorance Negates Gateway. -M I S S I N G .

What is missing within mankind today? What has been lost,and sorely needs to be found?
The answer to these questions can be found within mankind,if he looks within his heart.
What we have within us is an ego,personality,mind,and the illusion of "individuality". We
have all these attributes within us, but there is an absence of the major attribute which is
totally missing, and that is the real self, or the higher self, the soul, the conscious presence
of this inner reality is totally absent. Instead what we have is a gross and psuedo presence
which we all mistake this to be our real self, when in fact it is just like a "cardboard cutout"
of who you really are.
The nature of human beings expressed within physical forms, that our called our physical
bodies, when in truth all they are is biological machines that act as a vehicle for the real
occupier of the vehicle, that of the soul.
The expression of our physical spans three dimensions, we are deeply within us expressed in
many more that three dimensions, but will not examine those here, our expression is physical
mental, and spiritual, plus the emotional aspect as well.
The biggest problem here is that many millions of us are only being expressed in two dimensions
and not three, those two dimensions are mental and physical, the spiritual dimension is as yet
unborn within millions of us, and therein lies the biggest problem that befalls mankind today.
Because so many millions of us are not expressing our three fold dimensional expression, this
leads to all the woes and wars, that destroy millions every year. If we all knew ourselves fully
and were fully awake to the reality of our divine immortal heritage, then we would see plainly
that we are all ONE FAMILY, united within the SPIRIT of ETERNAL LIFE, that awakening
would cease all wars and bloodshed immediately,there would be no more hunger or thirst, all
dis-ease would begin rectifying itself as we all came into alignment with natural LAW.
So very many of us are lost and need to be found,like the proverbial Prodigal Son who went
forth into the world, lost all his inheritance in riotous living, and returned home looking for
his father and acceptance back into the fold.  For us to return home, is just to look within your heart
and meditate upon the third dimension of your expression, that of being spiritual.It is worth noting
that we cannot as such become spiritual, because that is what we actually all our, its just that we fail
to identify the reality of what we really are.
In part two will look further into this.     Warmest regards Michael.,any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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