Monday 30 April 2018

Zeropoint Energy Reacts Opening Inner Numinosities Gateway. =Z E R O I N G

This blog came about through remembering a film  I saw years ago called "Yield to the Night"
which reminded me that the word yield can mean surrender, and also remembering a statement
said by a very energetic atheist, who finally yielded a point and said, "I accept the universe"
and I remember thinking, that was very big of him!
Acceptance and surrendering, and letting go of all resistance is the key to total unity and
Quantum physics and the meditation practice that finally leads to a state called Samadhi
are very much related to each other, when all resistance falls to zero-point  perfect
conductivity is created, and this opens a gateway, a gravity well, and as nature abhors
a vacuum, there ensues a down-flow of cosmic consciousness, a wave down, meets a wave
up, and thereby with perfect conductivity flow manifesting, all resistance is at zero-point .
When the state of samadhi is achieved after long practice of ardent meditation the state of
what quantum field science calls zero-point energy, and becoming quantum non locality
opens up to the one entering into the state of samadhi,,when this state is achieved and
held this point which is akin to a singularity opens up an avenue where a down-flow
of universal mind or consciousness flows through this down-flow from a field outside
of our time and space continuum. Mind and intelligence are outside the law of
thermodynamics, according to quantum science.
In the individual quest and endeavour for alignment, there is along the way degrees of
acceptance  and resistance wavers between balance and disharmony, in mind body and
soul. The individual begins to see further into the veil of form, and begins to understand
that spirit is life, matter is resistance, the law of spirit is radiation, giving selflessly, the
law of matter is drawing inward cooling off, paralysis.
As the BORG used to say on the Star Trek series on TV Resistance is futile! We are the BORG.
We will not be assimilated by the Borg,however the more we resist life, the greater amount of
disharmony we will encounter within our life, such as sickness, and dis-ease, emotional and
mental disorders,plus also prone to addictive and compulsive disorders, like obesity, and  drug
addiction and alcoholism.
We all can do something about this,if we are prepared to make an effort and start to enable us
to gradually realign ourselves to become in harmony with natures way, and not ours!
In part two will explore the way to reach minimum resistance to reality.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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