Thursday 19 April 2018

Mankind One Indivisible Spirit Transcendent. = M O I S T Part Two.

If I lose myself, what then would I find? The answer to this most important question, is that
you will find out who and what you truly are, that  of being SELF, and the word SELF spells
out its hidden meaning, that of, Spirit Eternal Lovingly Found SELF, you will then realise that
you are Absolute Spirit manifesting within what we call a physical body. Then you will further
realise that all the "so called others" are in fact just seven billion replications of the ONE 
Absolute Spirit.
Most of us exist and live and move within the outer periphery of our expressed energy matrix
focused constantly on the outer physical world, many of us only find depth within us , when
our emotions are deeply touched and aroused , or we encounter a serious crisis in our life.
We fail to see or re-cog-nise the inner reality of what we actually ARE, because we are blinded
and bedazzled by the constant attractive forces that operate within the illusional place called
"out there" we are so fascinated by our smart phones and other devices, we are far too busy to
waste valuable time looking around within us.
"WE" are all Absolute Spirit, having what could be called a relative experience here on Earth
clothed in what we term a physical body, and collectively known as the human race, we "all"
are eternal immortal being, the operative word here is BEING, the are NO BEINGS, the
equation that reality spells out is this ALL IS ONE, AND ONE IS ALL, the illusion of
the seven billion "OTHERS" they we think exist along with us, is just that an ILLUSION
It bares no resemblance to what actually is. The fact is that there is ONLY ONE BEING
that walks this planet, and that one BEING is YOU, who are now reading this blog, yes
you dear reader, YOU are that one, at the core of your being you are Absolute Eternal
Immortal Spirit , or just GOD for short. All there is a need to do, is to look within ourself
and ask the most important question we can ever ask, and that is the question of WHO AM I?
There are not two things, that of the human race and GOD, or the Absolute, all that exists and
has ever existed is the ONE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT, NO-THING else exists!
Fear not that you will lose anything by finding the SELF within you, your ego and personality
will be absorbed within you as your consciousness and awakening expands, and as your awareness
and consciousness expands, you will see and understand the meaning of a absolute inclusive
reality, all then will be within, there is no such place as OUT THERE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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