Saturday 28 April 2018

Our Creative Consciousness Unites Living Truth. = O C C U L T .

The word occult basically means "that which is hidden from us" and what is hidden from us?
What is hidden from us, is who we really ARE!
Everything in the physical world is made out of atoms,atoms are made out of energy, and energy
is made out of consciousness.
The human mind is amazingly arrogant, it simply wants to believe  what it believes, it does
not want to let go, and is happy to stay in it's own little bubble of consciousness.
We may think we are the dancer in our lives, we are not, we are being danced by our greed and
lust for power and control, by insecurity, by holding on, or holding back, by needing to be approved
of by others,by needing to be against something or someone.
We are all conditioned by our conditioning, and thereby act and react accordingly, we were all given
a name, and were told what sex we were,if our parents had no particular belief or religion, we
would most likely be the same as adults. If you were asked who you were, your answer would
most likely be, your name, where you were born, where you went to school or college, and what
if any profession you were now engaged in, none of the answers actually say who you are!
All it reveals is your name, which your parents gave you,the school or college you attended,
and what job or profession you are now practising, but zilch about who you are.
Our creative consciousness lies just under our usual mindful state, and is awakened within us
by strong emotional surges,that rock our boat to such an extent that we instinctively go deeper
into our selves, and also by being affected by a arising crisis in our lives, this can cause us to
look within ourselves, and some of us are naturally born creative and artistic, that being so we
naturally tap into this deeper and creative level of consciousness.
We actually hid from ourselves, by creating a facade that covers over the depth within us, and
this facade which is largely created by our conditioning since birth, manifests before our gaze
endless trivialities to entertain us, and more pointedly to keep us firmly focused on the surface
of consciousness, and away from any idea that there is another reality within you that is
actually true, rather than the bullshit masquerade  that the ego manifests to us, in order that it
always remains in control of us.
Will go more into this in part two. warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation. 

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