Friday 6 April 2018

Hollowness Engulfs Mankind. H E M Part Two.

It is said that an empty vessel makes the loudest noise, and we as a race called human beings
are one of the most emptiness vessels there is. The reason for our vast emptiness is very simple
there is no complex reason why we are all running as fast as we can towards oblivion and
planetary destruction, the root cause of all  this canker and dis-ease is down to our gross
ignorance of who we really are, there are of course many other factors that contribute to the
disaster that befalls the human race, but the root of all this malaise lies firmly in the matrix
of mankind, who does not know or even understand his true identity.
The word SIN which I mentioned yesterday stands for Spirit-Is Negated=SIN, and we all negate
the spirit within us,due to our ignorance of our true nature, and because of this we all suffer
endlessly, life after life.
The word SIN has absolutely nothing to do with any organised religion, although the word is
mentioned many times in the Bible, because we are only half alive,functioning just physically
and mentally, the spiritual dimension of our true integrity matrix is missing, and because of
this we all malfunction, and enter the domain of dis-ease and fearful longing,another aspect
on this word SIN brings this reality closer to home, as here the word spells out the root cause
very very clearly, here SIN spells Soul Is Negated. and because of this ignorant negation of
our true self, we are being eaten alive by unbalanced living, and thinking, we are only living
in two dimensions that of the physical and the mental, the spiritual dimension is non existent
for billions of us, and therefore we pay the price, which is pain and anguish.
It is time for us all as a race to wake up and smell the roses,the perfume that arises from the
awakening soul is much like that of a sweet rose, it signals the rebirth of the two dimensional
being, into the third dimension of the soul awareness and the final embracing of our Divine
heritage .
We are ALL eternal immortal souls, having what could be termed as a human experience here
upon the earth plane, we are all here to gain experience and realise our true identity, that of being
souls first, we are all souls with a physical body, and not bodies with souls! There is a vast
difference between the two.
We can NOT be in complete harmony and atonement with life, until we fully embrace and accept
our true Divine heritage, that of being immortal souls, until that day arrives we are only partially
aware and alive.The simple beginning for our coming rebirth is to look within ourselves and ask
that most VITAL question, that of, who am I ???
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcome Face book Soul realisation.

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