Sunday 8 April 2018

Vehicle Is Connected To Inner Matrix.V I C T I M Part two

We have all used and been within countless vehicles over our journeys here upon the earth
plane, countless centuries have passed  and we have had a vast amount of experiences both
positive and negative polarities have been thoroughly explored.
There lives within us an inner child waiting to be born within us in full waking consciousness
and awareness, this inner child is our very own immortal soul.
There is only one reason we are all here, one only, and this reason is for the soul to wake up
from within its vehicle and become fully conscious of its true identity.
For ages long past we have all identified quite wrongly with our physical bodies, we thought
that the physical body was actually who we were, our soul was sleeping within  while we
explored all the personality traits and egocentric behaviours possible to us.
When we finally exhausted all these options, we found there then opened up from within us
a vast emptiness, and this gave birth to the deep longing feeling we are all so familiar with
today,we instinctively felt that something was missing from our lives, but we could not
understand what it actually was, sadly this longing for many millions of us, has taken the form
of a hunger that cannot ever be satisfied, and is expressed in addictions to drugs, alcohol, and food,
plus countless other emotional and mental obsessions.
Today we are all at a point , where we are beginning to ask questions about who we are, and why
are we here,we instinctively feel a shallowness and a hollowness about our modern age and feel
that we are lied to constantly by our governments, and fed bullshit posing as fact. many of us are
beginning to turn our gaze inwards, instead of constantly looking outwards, and getting involved
with things like yoga and meditation, there is much on the internet about both of these practises
and much of it is there for free.We all need to fully understand and realise that we are NOT the
BODY!,Our physical bodies are just vehicles "space suits" in order for the soul to gain purchase
on this dense and slow vibration field, the real and only YOU is that indwelling spirit called your
immortal Divine soul.
Look within yourself dear reader of this blog,ask yourself this most fundamental question, who am
I? Take up the daily practice of yoga or meditation, keep asking yourself that question, who am I?
This will awaken your inner monitor the soul, that will then intuitively speak to you, with what is
called  "that still small voice within you" this inner voice will eventually lead you to the full and
lasting comprehension of your true and eternal identity.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcome facebook soul realisation.

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