Wednesday 4 April 2018

Life After Death Lucidly Explained.=L A D L E Part Two,

We encounter many eddies on our sojourns here upon the earth plane.within these eddies we are
literally going round in endless circles,repeating the same old behaviours and habits that we have
carried over from previous lifetimes.
While we are caught up in an eddy we are in fact placing ourselves (unbeknown to us) out of
the vibrant coherent life force, and this impacts upon us negatively and produces illness and
many states of dis-ease.
We have all been living a horizontal life going in a straight line circling the planet, experiencing
all the experiences that go towards eventually making a whole and complete soul.
As I mentioned in yesterdays blog on this topic, mankind is now at a critical point in his evolutionary
cycle, and has now to decide whether to continue going round in endless circles, caught up in an
immense eddy,(which by the way resembles a whirlpool,vortex) Or make a decision  to reach upwards and embrace the vertical line that will let man ascend further into his evolutionary
cycle and open up avenues of consciousness and  perception, mankind was completely unaware
ever existed.
Mankind in general has completely exhausted all the experiences on offer in the horizontal
line, which encircles the planet, each of us has experienced life in all the races and tribes that
exist here, if mankind is to find out who he really is, and the reason why we are all here upon the
earth plane, then man has only one choice left, and that is to begin his ascent upon the vertical
path that will eventually lead him to liberation from the bondage of selfish pursuits, and open
the door to the birth of cosmic consciousness to descend  into the orbit of mankind, which in turn
will reveal to the startled man his true identity, that of a Divine immortal soul.
The basic fact we all need to fully embrace, and to leave the bullshit of the plastic and shallow
shadows of glittering baubles, and false assumptions,  is that we are ALL Ubiquitous eternal
immortal souls, that the word DEATH is a meaningless word, that does not, and cannot exist
in this universe,no-thing has ever died or will ever die in this universe, from life can only come life
period! Our physical bodies are just vehicles for our souls to occupy, while we gather experience
here on earth,(spacesuits that's what our bodies actually are!) When the soul decides to move on to
new adventures, it withdraws itself from its vehicle, (your body) and then the physical body breaks
down into its basic elements from which it came from, the body then CHANGES, not dies, and the
previous occupier the soul, moves on to further adventures.
Warmest regards Michael any comments welcome facebook soul realisation.

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