This blog today entitled WONDERFUL is about how really wonderful this
universe really is, and how without the "wholeness of NOTHING" life could
not exist , or even this universe. Nothing is the CEMENT that binds all expressed
living energy together. The wholeness of nothing allows Divine wisdom to
express relative reality into vibrating space and thereby fulfilling natural laws
of correspondence. NO THING is that which arises out of the Absolute Source
Mind as that of an INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE, this thought wave gave
birth to all universal motion and from this Primordial Motion ALL universal
energy arises, so that which is termed NO THING is actually that of invisible
ENERGY. And invisible energy is that infinite force that spreads out like a
prismatic ray of radiated force. This force then becomes all matter as it congeals
and sets into physical matter.
All stars and planets are congealed energy, all life expressed universally is
congealed energy, which all arises out from NO THING that is the Wholeness
of nothing which is that of the Absolute Source of all.
Humanity is comprised of no thing made into something which is our physical
vehicle. WONDERFUL is realizing the exquisite beauty and radiance of all life
we are all made of no thing which is the wholeness of all there IS, and we have
all BECOME SOMETHING within our life expression. We are all that SOMETHING
that arose out of nothing and we as human beings can see this wonderful life and
how we have all journeyed far to be here today consciously aware.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.
God bless u brother