Wednesday 6 September 2023



This blog today entitled COILED is about how we each have within us the

answer to our full knowing of who and what we truly are, beneath this FACADE

of FORM we call the human body vehicle.

Coiled up within our root chakra lies the energy of Divine Wisdom that is often

represented as that of a sleeping dragon, that will slowly begin to uncoil itself if

we look deeply within ourselves and take up  daily meditation . If we do this we will

then begin to slowly realize through insight and intuition that there is much more

to us than just this physical vehicle.

The reason why we are all here is two fold, one it is to gain experience of tangible 

living and the interactions that take place between the two sexes, and two we are all

here to wake up and realize just who and what we really are.

This is where meditation comes into play , meditation is the ancient science of 

self-knowing, and it also includes that of transmutation which runs along parallel

with meditation, both these ancient sciences are used to enable the practitioner (you(

to be able to negotiate your way though your ego and personality, and thereby get in

touch with your inner spiritual SELF. 

By inner seeking you will then be able to still your thoughts and enter into the silence,

here in the silence you will meet a "still small inner voice" that will gently speak

to you. This inner voice is that of your intuition, when you make conscious contact 

with your intuition you will then be led along gently into the awakening process, how

long this takes really depends on you and how much focus you put into those silent times

within. The coiled dragon awaits to make your acquaintance.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

I can always be contacted by my email address above.

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