Wednesday 20 September 2023


This blog today entitled TOO is about how we can try and understand that which

at first seems way beyond our reach of understanding. TRANSCENDENCE OF

ONE -TOO is about how all life in this universe and all existence in this universe

and even more about how this universe was born aloft an INTENTION Thought 

Wave from within Absolute Mind.

Humanity as being life expressed through the medium of space which we all "OCCUPY"

by our presence of our vehicle (physical body). Being relative and living  within 

relativity, we fail to understand what the Absolute represents, Mankind and quantum

science seem to agree that there is ONE Ultimate Source,  from which ALL that moves

within this universe comes from .But what is not considered by relative beings is that

the number ONE implies within its inner matrix , that of a "BEGINNING" from 0 

to 1, whereas the Absolute UNBORN Source of ALL has NEVER had a BEGINNING

or will never experience any ENDING. IT is ETERNAL BEING . meaning that the

Absolute Source of ALL  and is all Transcends all Life and existence both of these 

expressions are relative expressions (motion) of that Eternal Motionlessness Source.

Life and expression are what is termed "motioned relative stillness" Motioned out of

motionlessness by an IDEATION thought wave from within the Absolute Mind of the 

"ONE" who just "IS" totally transcendent of any number or beginning .

The SOURCE has never BEGUN it is ETERNAL . The ancient wisdom called this

mighty Being The Absolute Intelligence fro which nought can be said, It jusr "IS".

This blog is my IDEA of trying to create a perspective of that Absolute Being-less

BEING, that would make sense to the reader, I hope I have done this.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gm any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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