Thursday 21 September 2023



This blog today entitled GUILT is about how life eventually Teaches us through 

AEONS of experiences who we really all are. All life expressed and all existence

which is life being expressed allows pure divine Absolute Spirit the AEONIC 

opportunity to experience all of the infinite life expressions there are available

to experience. Here we need to fully understand that all the stars and planets are

all LIFE living things, our planet Earth is alive and called GAIA  by millions of

us hum an being.Even the mountains on Earth are in other planets are all equally 

alive, the ancient wisdom called the mountains to be in a "STATE of Profound

Lethargy",  but very much alive with vibratory atoms moving within that stone.

"The ancient wisdom teaches that "ALL IS ALIVE" and that DEATH is the grand


The inquisitor in question here could be called the law of evolution. which when it

reaches mankind is then called that of ascension as we are all slowly waking up to 

realize our true immortal divine heritage.

The inquisitor will lead all life expressions from the mountains to sand-soil vegetables

ants, animals, life  and eventually into the human spectrum when the light frequency 

is radiated up into ethereal light and astral light and also unfolds the five KOSHAS

of expression in physicality, plus our astral body which we all use when we die(change

venues)  from earth life to astral life , then back again here to complete your learning 

program issued to all life by the grand inquisitor .,its job will be complete when humanity

finally fully wakes up to the full realization of being an eternal immortal spirit,, having a 

human experience here on Earth.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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