Saturday 9 September 2023



This blog today entitled DOTTED is about that DWELLER that lives within us

all in our core matrix of being. This DWELLER is our inner Spirit being, and 

when we start looking within ourselves. this then brings the DWELLER into

action, as we then stand on the THRESHOLD of a great voyage of inner discovery.

There is absolutely nothing to fear from this DWELLER within us, it is that of

pure divine love, and is who we really all our in essence.

The Dweller on the Threshold is your inner divine essence becoming activated

by your looking into your inner being, by taking up meditation or yoga.

DOTTED is about embracing this loving dweller who will guide you gently through

your intuition faculty will become activated when you let go of all thought and enter

into that deep inner silence.

Self discovery is what this newly awakened dweller will guide you into. Its gentle 

inner voice will gradually reveal to you who and what you really are. It will enable

you to see that thick blanket of ignorance that has blinded you from seeing your true

Divine Self, you will be put in touch with universal wisdom that lies deep within you.

You will realize that you are indeed the universe in miniature and you reflect within 

what seems to be without you. Man Know Thyself  wise words written centuries ago

in Ancient GREECE on the temple of APOLLO in DELPHI.

It is our Divine Heritage to know who we truly are, The DWELLER within you will

assist you in waking up and gaining insight into who you really truly are.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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