Wednesday, 31 May 2023



This blog today which is called ALIVE, will explore what LIFE actually is, and

that is not what we commonly think it is. This whole universe vibrates an infinity

of vibrations that all move in a perfection of perpetual motion. Vibration  and LIFE

are ONE of the same thing. This reveals when we fully understand it to mean that,

this entire universe is FULLY ALIVE, all the stars, planets etc, are all alive meaning

they all have ATOMIC VIBRATION and if it vibrates within this infinite spectrum 

of perpetual motion , then it is ALIVE.

This whole universe is fully alive, there is NOT ONE DEAD THING ANYWHERE

within the infinity of this relative universe, ALL IS ALIVE,

Life and Motion are interwoven as one expression, when there is ZERO MOTION

then there is ZERO LIFE, what is PRESENT in ZERO MOTION is PURE SPIRIT

or GOD, which is TRANSCENDENT of all LIFE and Motion.

The Injunction written in the BIBLE which states "BE STILL and KNOW That I AM

GOD" explains fully that STILLNESS is the way of TRANSCENDENCE and LIES

way BEYOND LIFE which is that of a relative phenomenon, "WE"  that of Humanity

are all "motioning Life Phenomenon" on the outer periphery, but deep within us all lies

profound STILLNESS. which is the core matrix of our BEING.

We are all in Essence transcendent of vibratory life, and are all eternal immortal BEING.

We are human on the outside , and Divine Spirit on the inside.

This blog ALIVE is about KNOWING just who we really ARE, Beyond all VIBRATION

WE move into Eternal stillness, STILLNESS is YOUR inner eternal NATURE of BEING.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks,

soul realization: UNIFIED FIELD OF SELF. U F O 'S,

soul realization: UNIFIED FIELD OF SELF. U F O 'S,: Albert Einstein spent much of his latter life trying to find the answer to a UNIFIED FIELD THEORY. which he seemed to get very close , then ...

Tuesday, 30 May 2023



This blog today entitled WARED is about how all Life universally, Humanity

included is really just an expression of Divinity, which is basically that of PURE

SPIRIT . or the SOURCE -GOD. Life then us humans included are all "SOURCE

-LETS" motioning through our expression sequence, busy gathering experiences

along the way.

All life universally is presented as a phenomenon  whatever its shape or size, although

the appearance will all seem to be different , beneath the appearance lies the essence

of life which is the NOUMENON and the NOUMENON is all the SAME-THING

which is DIVINE SPIRIT, only the outer phenomenon appears different.

We as humanity have the ability to be able to look within our phenomenal vehicle

and are able t make contact with the inner Being, which is that of the essence of

Being , which is the NOUMENON, which is who you really are. When we can fully

know ourselves ,  we will see this fact very clearly.

Mankind is at the APEX of its evolutionary ascendance , an d more and more of us

our beginning to realize our true inner IMMORTAL NATURE, "WE" have been

moving through life for AEONS of lapsed time, journeying through endless experiences

and change of shape and form, to finally arrive within the Human Kingdom of awakening


"YOU" reading this now dear reader are at that POINT  where you are able to FULLY

KNOW who you ARE, will you thereby take up the opportunity to do this? and  begin

the journey of SELF KNOWING, by seeking out your TRUE IMMORTAL IDENTITY

by venturing within  YOUR SELF TODAY?

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

soul realization: Way Of Manifestation Becoming. W O M B . Part Two.

soul realization: Way Of Manifestation Becoming. W O M B . Part Two.: Question, how can you become when you are eternal? To answer that question we need to go the place where this becoming first stirred into ...

Monday, 29 May 2023



This blog today entitled HOWLS is about us that of Humanity, where unknown

millions of us cry out and HOWL like the noble wolf, with the hunger inside of 

us that eats away at our life.

This hunger for "WHOLENESS" expresses itself daily in the lives of countless

millions of us, it reveals itself in a way that CORRESPONDS  with the PLAGUE

of ADDICTIONS  that kill millions every year, things like alcoholism, drug addiction.

gambling, food, addiction-sex-plus all the other mental and emotional and phycological 

illnesses that affect countless millions of us daily.

There is ONE common factor which exists within everyone of these arising conditions, 

and that is the FEELING of not BEING COMPLETE (WHOLE) there is a FEELING

of EMPTINESS something missing from our self, so in order to fill this "HOLE" 

within us we indulge in the addictive practice of FUTILELY trying to fill this yawning

GASH  within us.

HOWLS is about how we can look within ourselves for the answer to  the question of

"Who am I Really"? The reason why countless millions of us suffer these fatal addictions


SELF IGNORANCE lies at the CORE of ALL addictions and self neglecting practices.

The full truth of the matter is that "WE ARE ALL COMPLETELY WHOLE" NO-THING

is missing from our presentation into Humanity, the only thing is THAT we all "FAIL

TO KNOW EXACTLY  who THE HELL we TRULY ARE!! We are all SELF which 

stands for SPIRIT-ETERNAL-LIFE-FORCE, you reading this now are "THAT",

When we can fully know who we are, then all addictive practices will cease, we will

then become WHOLLY ONES which means in essence  the word HOLY (WHOLE)


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

soul realization: Way Of Manifestation Becoming. =W O M B .

soul realization: Way Of Manifestation Becoming. =W O M B .: How does anything actually become? From where does this yet to become arise? For a human womb to become pregnant it needs a seed to be imp...

Sunday, 28 May 2023



This blog today entitled DRILLED is about how we can begin to fully understand

the full meaning of LOVE'S LUCIDITY as it impinges upon our conscious awareness,

By going within ourselves and taking up meditation , we can then begin to move towards

the process that will ultimately lead  to full SELF knowing. Knowing the SELF as the

dreamer of Being Fully Whole and Perfectly Complete. There is no-thing missing 

from us, we are all fully whole and complete . the problem is that our gross ignorance 

of our Immortal  SELF keeps us from the DIRECT REVELATION into the reality 

that "WE" each one of us are the LITERAL embodiment of expressed LOVE and

we know it NOT, because of our gross and profound ignorance of just WHO and WHAT

we really OUR! When we fully know our SELF LUCIDITY will wash over you as a 

blanket of pure BLISS.

LOVE and LUCIDITY are one of the same thing , a "Principle of BEING, that 

transcends this limited space time continuum and reveals its Absolute Eternal Essence

which pervades all expressions universally with its PRESENCE.

Emergent Divinity is you dear reader, coming out of our shell of a vehicle  collector

of experiences and revealing to your now "STARTLED SELF" just who and what 

you really ARE.

DRILLED is about waking up into the DIRECT REVELATION of just who and what

you actually are, which is a Divine Immortal Eternal BEING.

LOVE and LUCIDITY are your inner natural being, you have NO-THING to learn


All you have to do is to venture within your SELF and find this out  for YOUR SELF

What have you got to loose?????,

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. T A T .

soul realization: THOUGHTS ARE THINGS. T A T .:  James Allen (1864-1912) wrote the following, quote," You are today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where yo...

Saturday, 27 May 2023



This blog today entitled SOILED is about how "we" that of Humanity are all SPUN

out of a singularity vortex and into physical relative life, where we are then

electromagnetically attached to this now forming embryo within your mother

to be. "WE" then have crossed over from the Astral realm where we then fell 

into a deep sleep of becoming unconscious. This process was called by the ancient

GREEKS that of the "river of forgetfulness" , which was the mythical river

STYX. Our life principle is motioned into a vortex and SPUN "downwards" into

this third dimensional space which is Earth. This downward motioning spiral is in

the shape of a "Mobius Strip" which looks like a vertical figure 8. Our life essence

(spirit)  clothed in a KOSHIC layer of awareness, spirals down in a S shaped sequence

and is then anchored within the physical entity in the heart chakra and crown chakra.

The S shaped spiral is in a clockwise sequence and remains in this rotation sequence

for the whole of your life on Earth. When the Grim Reaper appears at your death, this 

rotation sequence ends, and then it begins an anti-clockwise rotation which then escorts

the astral body back into the astral realm, once there the sequence ends.

"WE" all ROTATE CLOCKWISE into each incarnation and thereby forget who we were

before, some do begin to remember past lives as they get older. At death (we all change venues)

and we then EXIT our physical vehicles and rise up into the Astral realm in our astral body.

This sequence is fully automatic and needs no assistance from you, all you have to do is to go

along for the "RIDE OF YOUR LIFE"???  PURE Spirit becomes SOILED by gross matter

in order to be able to experience Tangible life and physicality.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 26 May 2023



This blog today entitled TOLD is the story of LIFE a chapter of expression which

spans countless billions of relative time years. To understand LIFE we must first

ascertain from whence life primordially arose from. In essence at the matrix of all

life universally lies MOTION, MOTION and LIFE are both intrinsically entangled

you cannot have one without the other.

So now we know that all life is in motion  (atomic vibration) , but this does not explain

as to where this MOTION which is LIFE came from ?  To understand this question 

we need to dive deeper into the sub atomic core of life, which is that of Absolute 

Intelligence which we call SPIRIT or GOD. 

Spirit or GOD are eternally motionlessness  and are Transcendent of all Life which

is that of "MOTIONED  INTENTION" . The TENDRILS of life branch out 

universally from ONE CENTRAL POINT, this point is where the Absolute and 

Relativity meet the point is that MEMBRANE from which emerges "LIFE


THOUGHT WAVE from within the Absolute Mind  of the ONE SOURCE.

The word EXISTENCE means that this "POINT of REFERENCE" is a relative 

packet of life expression, which now has atomic vibration and has the PRESENCE"

of that of "occupying" a portion of SPACE,  so that it can live  move and have its being,

Where life comes from is therefore PURE SPIRIT, which does "NOT EXIST"!

The Source of all Life does NOT EXIST, existence means being RELATIVE. That

which is UNBORN and ETERNAL TRANSCENDS LIFE and Existence  and just


We that of Humanity are all TENDRIL Runners of that NOUMENON "SEED

THOUGHT" ,When we fully know OUR SELF our TENDRIL DAYS are OVER!

"WE" then move back into STILLNESS from whence we all came from.

Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: Identity Crisis Expunged Deleted. I C E D .

soul realization: Identity Crisis Expunged Deleted. I C E D .: This world, this planet, is perfect it is a natural paradise for life to flourish, the only real problem upon this planet lies within us man...

Thursday, 25 May 2023



This whole relative universe is just ONE INFINITE  "THEATRE OF MOTION",

and the motions (atomic vibration) which vibrate in perpetual motion , are designed

to move through the medium of space  which all the "MOTIONS" OCCUPY, so

that this motioning becomes more and more complex as it moves through its 

motioning sequence. So that there will come about over aeons of relative time ,

the arrival of the process of becoming "SELF AWARE", this process has already 

arrived within Mankind.

TOMBS is about how Absolute Infinite Intelligence  which arises within the SOURCE

of ALL, manifested a "THEATRE  OF MOTION"  from WITHIN ITS-SELF and then

this manifested medium of which we call the universe was then "SET IN MOTION"

by an INTENTION THOUGHT WAVE, which  caused MOTION to arise out

of Absolute Motionlessness . 

This "THEATRE of MOTION"  our universe is "CONTAINED WITHIN the 

Absolute BOSOM of the SOURCE". There is NO such THING as being 

"OUT-SIDE". "WE" the motioning vibrating units of energy are all fully contained


LIFE then becomes a "PLAY of EXPRESSIONS" on the Stage of Space, which 

we all occupy and play our relative "roles".

When we become SELF AWARE we will then see this PLAY of MOTIONING" as

it really is. The ABSOLUTE Infinite ONE has BECOME the MANY that occupy

the space of the THEATRE  OF LIFE.

The Absolute being motionlessness and forever STILL, brought  about a sequence 

of Motioning that it could then infinitely DIVERSIFY ITSELF into infinite packets

of motioning intelligent energy that would become unconscious of its TRUE STATE

and thereby begin the ADVENTURE of being a relative point of intelligence, that 

would ONE DAY AWAKEN into FULL SELF KNOWING, that is where you are

NOW, dear reader of this blog!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook  soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: HUMILITY UNITIES MANKIND'S SOUL. H U M S .:  My first understanding of the word Humility was of the type of person depicted by Charles Dickens whom he called 'URIAH HEEP' who  ...

Wednesday, 24 May 2023



This blog today entitled COALESCED presents a challenge into how to bring about

the sequence of events that took place before PURE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT can become

localized into the relative space time continuum of this relative universe and then further

become presented as infinitely diverse LIFE forms.

In the "BEFORE" when there was zero universe. only Absolute Pure Spirit in 

perpetual stillness and unimagined BLISS, Relativity which basically means MOTION

did not exist, zero motion motionlessness awesome stillness brooded over NO-THING.

Then in the beginning  when motion was born aloft a Primordial Intention Thought 

Wave , this gave birth to relativity, which means MOTION caused by the Causeless

cause of that Primordial thought wave, that arose within the Absolute Mind  of the 

SOURCE of ALL there "IS".

The birthof this universe came into sequence by the thought wave and this was the 

birth of relativity and consciousness becoming localized in this relative continuum

of the physical universe. Before that primordial thought wave, consciousness NEVER

AROSE, there was only PURE AWARENESS eternally PRESENT.

Consciousness is Localized Awareness  and the compression of Spirit into tangible

expressed form, this is expressed in what we call KOSHAS.

COALESCED is about how ONE PURE SPIRIT (GOD)  if you like, brought about

a "THEATRE OF MOTION"  which is this relative universe to enable its SELF

to become Localized into infinite expressions which we call life , so that it could 

experience diversity all over this universe SIMULTANEOUSLY.

All life expressions are all made of the ONECORE PRINCIPLE which is that of 

Condensed SPIRIT Intelligence.

All life does and will always COALESCE back into its Primordial place of Birth

into motion , which means that all life returns back to HOME, from whence it

first arose from,  long long ago.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: WHO ARE YOU ? W A Y .

soul realization: WHO ARE YOU ? W A Y .:  Have  you ever been asked dear reader of this blog, the question of "who the hell do you think you are?" What would your answer b...

Tuesday, 23 May 2023



This blog today entitled WAGED is about how we can understand the mystery

of Life and its infinitely diverse universal expressions  by looking into OURSELVES.

"WE" as far as we know for now are the only form of life expression that can 

actually ask that most fundamental question of just  "WHO AM I?" No other life

form that we know about can do this, except mankind.

If we can so to speak "WAGE WAR on our IGNORANCE" then we will be able to

fully understand just who and what we really all are. Humanity has much understanding

about our physical and mental capabilities , and our knowledge of these two things 

is great, but when it comes to our spiritual faculties we are somewhat still in the

dark ages, mlost of our ignorance lies in the fact that we fail miserably to know 

what and who we really are. This is what this blog WAGED is about.

"WE" meaning all life not just us human beings are all the "Product of Pure Spirit"

(GOD/BRAHMAN) that has been condensed from its Absolute Purity into that of

gross matte, so that it can partake in experiencing expressed motional life in this 

relative dimension of this universe , and this planet Earth where we all are.

In the ancient Greek temple  of APOLLO in DE:PHI it was written over the entrance

the words "MAN KNOW THYSELF" .

When we fully know our SELF we then know that "we" all are GOD being expressed

in infinite diverse ways.

There is ONLY ONE SOURCE of ALL There IS and "WE" that of LIFE being

expressed here on Earth, are all that SOURCE, being expressed here on Earth.

"WE" are all "ONE SOURCE" Infinitely expressing  that FACT. "WE"  you and

me are all unborn Eternal Spirit which means that YOU reading this now are 

GOD, INFORMED within five KOSHIC coverings.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: AKASHIC RECORDINGS CURRENT HOLOGRAM. A R C...:  This blog which spells out the word ARCH is about building an archway within ourselves that we can enter and tune into the universal flow o...

Monday, 22 May 2023



This blog today entitled PONDER is about LIFE and its infinite diverse ways

of being expressed all over this infinite universe. All expressions which mean 

that of having atomic vibration, from which all relative expressions vibrate to

which is an infinite "FIELD of PERPETUAL MOTION", all this infinite motioning

is therefore RELATIVE which means that it is also a PHENOMENON which is

the "SHADOW" cast by that of the invisible "NOUMENON" which is the inner

matrix of all phenomenon  universally.

All Life universally is the phenomenon of PURE Spirit  which can be called the 

NOUMENON or the essence of all motion and life universally.

PONDER to us who are human beings, means that we are in a position due to our

SELF AWARENESS to be able to look and enquire within ourselves and ask the 

question of WHO AM I ? Humanity is expressed as a human phenomenon  which

emerges out of the NOUMENON  which is dimensionless Being. pure Spirit and is

therefore super compressed into a singularity vortex   a pointless point and this 

super compressed ENTITY crosses over the DIVIDE of ALLNESS  and into 

dimensional relative space as a human being point of reference. 

The NOUMENON essence emerges at the phenomenal point of reference ,  which

then becomes YOU dear reader of this BLOG.

By going within ourselves we can begin to make inner contact to our SOURCE

BEING, which is that of the NOUMENON, which means Divine Spirit Being.

That is what HUMANITY actually "IS". A Divine Spirit Being  enclosed within

five layers of dimensional density and having a physical vehicle body These fiver

coverings are called KOSHAS.

When we fully KNOW  who we ACTUALLY ARE, which is the NOUMENON

we will then be able to step out of being the PHENOMENON . and enter back into

the FULLNESS of OUR BEING, which is an UNBORN Eternal BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks


soul realization: ASTRAL BODIES LESS EXPRESSED DENSITY. A B ...:  Divine wisdom has decreed that humanity needs a place of residence for us to go to when we die(change venues). This place we call the Astra...

Sunday, 21 May 2023



This blog today entitled BLOG is about LIFE. what is it? Before this universe  was

born "I AM" was present. Who then is "I AM" ? We can call this I AM GOD or 

Absolute Intelligent Pure Spirit.

Before LIFE came online and was born, only Absolute Intelligence was PRESENT

God or the Absolute Divine Pure Spirit is Transcendent of all life , but is also 

embedded within its matrix core of expression.

What then is this thing called LIFE?  The simple answer is that LIFE is PURE SPIRIT

in "MOTION" meaning that it has atomic vibration. Pure Spirit has ZERO VIBRATION

and is that of being omnipresent motionlessness. The Absolute has zero need of any 

motion, because it is omnipresence and ubiquitous, which means present everywhere

simultaneously. Life arises out of spirit as a "motioned reference point"   the 

reference point is that sub atomic matrix which is the point of spirit that becomes  

"clothed" in a KOSHIC covering and then is able to make an appearance within this

relative universe.

All Life universally was motioned into existence by a Primordial Intention Thought 

wave, this thought wave was that of spirit becoming moved into relativity.

All life has the outer appearance of presented tangible existence which then occupies

that entity we call SPACE, but inwardly  all life is that of eternal SPIRIT. We need to

understand that the word SPIRIT is ALWAYS in the SINGULAR the same as LIFE.

There is no such a thing as SPIRIT"S" in the plural. ONE LIFE-ONE SPIRIT-One

Absolute BEING, which is PURE SPIRIT or GOD for short.

Life means expression which further means MOTION atomic vibration. Spirit has

Zero Vibration and expression it just "IS" EVERYWHERE Transcendent  of all 

Life , omnipresent eternal UNBORN  Singular Spirit..  And Humanity is locked 

within this motioned VORTEX we call life, When we can fully know our SELF

Then we can exit LIFE  and enter fully back into that ETERNAL UNBORN NOW.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .:  "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is a vehicle you use to gather experie...

Saturday, 20 May 2023



This blog today entitled LOOSEN is about how all life universally is expressed in

and through the MEDIUM from which we call SPACE. What then is SPACE that 

is the medium from which all life arises from  within it? There is a most ancient 

occult maxim that dates back well over 20,000  years ago which states that "SPACE

IS AN ENTITY",  what then can this mean? There can be only ONE REAL ENTITY

that it could possibly be  and that ENTITY is GOD or the Absolute Great Spirit.

All life occupies this ENTITY, because life is that of Condensed Spirit. Space is

the relative MEDIUM that the Absolute uses to arise tangible entities within its 

Fluidic Ocean. Space is that of being "relative Consciousness ", a fluidic infinite

expanse of unlimited arising's from within its infinite field of limitless potentialities

which go to make up the presentation of Life universally in a infinite diverse number

of ways. The Absolute God has manifested SPACE which is a relative medium so

that its PURE SPIRIT can then become "CLOAKED DOWN" by being condensed 

and congealed within a presented vortex which then places dimensional density layers

of awareness which we call KOSHAS, this then allows Spirit to "OCCUPY SPACE"

which is intangible fluidic consciousness. An infinite ocean from which all life. stars,

planets, arise from a wave that rises up and then penetrates into a physical reality as a 

KOSHIC covered life form.

Humanity are all "OCCUPIERS of SPACE" which is your physical body vehicle is

the occupier of this intelligent SPACE. At the core of our being we are all SPIRIT

and "WE" the physical vehicle body are all busy gathering up experiences and searching

for the truth of who and what you really ARE!  WE are ALL NUMEN!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Friday, 19 May 2023



This blog today entitled IDEALS is about how all life universal and local is all

being presented into this "THEATRE OF MOTION" by an invisible NOUMENON

which we call that of the SOURCE of ALL. All life is presented in its Localized 

form and shape , and then begins its localized journey of growth and expansion in

the environment that Divine wisdom placed it in.

The Imponderable dream that enfolds us all in what we call Humanity, is the question

of WHO AM I really ? How many of us has asked ourselves that most important 

question? How can we find out who we really are? Who can we ask ? These are valid

questions, and the easiest answer that comes to mind is to ask YOUR-SELF!

Sit quietly and pose that question to your inner Self , if you do that and begin to 

make contact with your INTUITION then the answer will begin to unfold within you.

IDEALS is about waking up and beginning to realize that we are all "LIFE" which 

means that we are all Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy-  and that there is only 

ONE THING called LIFE in this universe.

"WE" are that "ONE THING" all eight billion human beings and ONE THING

which is LIFE, when we look at the question what then is LIFE?  WE can therefore

begin to see that all life is the LOCALIZED SOURCE of all there IS.

The SOURCE is Absolute Pure Spirit and to become presented within a relative 

framework of this physical universe it has to loose its omnipresence and ubiquitous

nature and become localized into relativity and there presented as LIFE.

The imponderable dream that surfaces within mankind is that in ESSENCE "WE"

are all the SOURCE of ALL, Mankind is GOD/Brahman and KNOWS it NOT!

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: SOURCE PERVADES AWARENESS CONSCIOUSNESS EXPRESSED....:  All expressed life which literally means that life is in motion, it moves, it contained within what we term as a relative physical universe...

Thursday, 18 May 2023



This blog today entitled BOAST is about expressing that most ancient OCCULT

MAXIM which states that "ALL IS SPIRIT-AND SPIRIT IS ALL". this blog 

will endeavour to reveal that this most ancient maxim of "all is Spirit-and Spirit is

all" is in fact totally true and valid.

We can if we wish replace the word SPIRIT with GOD, it is the exact same thing.

The other ancient maxim which is that which says "All comes from ONE, and from

ONE comes ALL". expresses the same thing, which is that there is ONE Absolute 

Reality, call it what you like.  I call it Spirit and from this Singular Absolute Intelligence

"ALL ARISES FROM-and Returns TO".

Spirit is an Absolute OCEAN of INTELLIGENCE that from within its infinite depth

"WE" all arise from and return to. This relative universe is SPIRIT being expressed

in a "MOTIONAL FORM", which means that it has gained MOTION and

relativity from an INTENTIONAL thought WAVE from within that absolute Spirit

MIND. All universal ENERGY is a product of SPIRIT MIND motioning an Intention

wave of Absolute THOUGHT.

LIFE is SPIRIT "INFORMED" in substance , this substance is SPIRIT in a condensed

congealed state. light is the reflection opposite of the Absolute darkness  of Spirit  when

motionlessness. LIGHT is SPIRIT in MOTION, energy is spirit in motion, consciousness

is spirit  in motion, Pure awareness is spirit in stillness, relative awareness is Spirit 

in motion.

Humanity is ONE SPIRIT ABSOLUTE, all eight billion of us are KOSHIC enfolded

SPIRIT , all eight billion of us make "ONE ABSOLUTE ETERNAL UNBORN SPIRIT

or if you prefer GOD/BRAHMAN/ALLAH/  Great white Spirit/ .

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks'

soul realization: Identity Crisis Expunged Deleted. I C E D .

soul realization: Identity Crisis Expunged Deleted. I C E D .: This world, this planet, is perfect it is a natural paradise for life to flourish, the only real problem upon this planet lies within us man...

Wednesday, 17 May 2023



This blog today entitled TOUCHED is about how what we call LIFE rises up out

of the INFINITE OCEAN of Consciousness. which is that of PURE SPIRIT.

and the "RISING UP" in a "WAVE" is what is called LIFE, "LIFE WAVES" is

what all life is universally, and here  we need to be mindful that LIFE includes

all the stars and planets as well. LIFE is an emergent Spirit  which thereby 

TRANSFORMS into what we call life on the "CREST OF A WAVE"  the CREST

is the HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE that emerges our from the Absolute ocean of

consciousness and PIERCES the MEMBRANE which is the sub atomic barrier

between the Absolute and that of relativity. Consciousness in its PURE Stateless

state is what is called the NOUMENON which is what the ESSENCE of all  life

which is the phenomenon, that which emerges into relativity.

Life universally is a holographic image which reveals the phenomenal projection 

which becomes visible in our relative dimension, we never see the MATRIX of 

life essence which is that of Pure Spirit consciousness which is called the NOUMENON.

"WE"  humanity and all life universally have all risen up out of the Divine Fluidic 

Ocean of pure consciousness, and become expressed (motioned into being) a LIFE

Form   a "LIVING WAVE" of motioned intention.

TOUCHED is about getting "IN TOUCH" with our inner being, by going within

ourselves and practicing meditation , entering  into that FORMIDABLE SILENCE,

deep within your SELF there you will make contact with the ESSENCE of LIFE

which is the Eternal Ocean of Consciousness, here you the phenomenal shaped LIFE

WAVE will then make conscious contact with this ESSENCE of your BEING which

lies in the Eternal ocean of NOW!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

soul realization: VALE OF TEARS EARTH DEFINED. V O T E D .

soul realization: VALE OF TEARS EARTH DEFINED. V O T E D .:  Our journey from stillness (perfection) into motion (imperfection) has been a long and arduous one, we have all been on the move (evolution...

Tuesday, 16 May 2023



This blog today entitled SOAKED is about uncovering the inner truth that souls

do not actually exist in reality, and that which we call a soul is in fact a Divine

Spirit clothed in five KOSHIC coverings , that allow and permit  pure spirit into

this relative domain of the physical universe.

Humanity has a physical body KOSHA which is the most dense covering there is.

We also have four other KOSHAS each one less dense than the previous one.

The word SOUL which means SPIRIT-OF-UNIVERSAL- LIFE =SOUL the soul

(KOSHA) is the sequence that pure Spirit passes through to become  what we call

LIFE, "LIFE" means Spirit that has been "motioned into density" and become

"LOCALIZED" within this relative physical universe and then becomes "CLOTHED"

in five layers of KOSHAS that provide and keep pure spirit from coming into contact 

with gross matter.

If souls were to mean having a physical body then we could say that a "DANDELION"

flower is a SOUL or a tree that has a trunk body is a soul also.

All life universally is that of KOSHIC covered PURE SPIRIT and Spirit is a singular

absolute reality. There is no such thing as SPIRIT"S", ONE SPIRIT absolute, and even

using the one singular SPIRIT is not totally correct, because the number ONE implies

a beginning, and the SPIRIT is ETERNAL which means ZERO BEGINNING UNBORN


SPIRIT is the ONLY REALITY that just "IS"  All LIFE is SPIRIT, Consciousness is

Spirit, Humanity is Spirit, Souls have never EXISTED and will never EXIST .

"WE" are all SPIRIT first last and always, There are eight billion KOSHIC entities 

on Earth, but ONLY ONE SPIRIT!

This universe is filled with countless infinite numbers of KOSHAS meaning LIFE but


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 15 May 2023



This blog today entitled APOC is about how all ATOMS are in fact points of 

consciousness. Each atom has its own point of awareness and its own point of

INTEGRITY, much like you and me have!

There are literally trillions of atoms that make up your physical biological vehicle

body, and out of these countless trillions of intelligent atoms each one of us has

the EXACT AMOUNT of atoms for our experience gathering  role of a human

being. Not ONE ATOM LESS or M ORE than we each need, what sort of intelligence

do you think that can supply us with the absolute right number of ATOMS that we need

to grow and prosper? 

Consciousness is the universal medium that manifests this relative universe,

consciousness is the "Reflection of Pure Light" which is SPIRIT which is PURE

AWARENESS when pure awareness gains MOTIONAL REFLECTION it is then

called "Relative Consciousness". Consciousness is a "Relative Phenomenon"  it 

only exists in Reflective Relativity within the Absolute there is only PURE AWARENESS

which being so pure and absolute innocence, is not even aware of its BEING.

Consciousness lies in stillness and is only a POTENTIAL that can be ushered out

if an INTENTIONAL Thought is MOTIONED into Relative being.

Atoms are all Localized points of consciousness and when a substantial entity begins

its SEQUENCE of "OCCUPYING SPACE", then the intelligent ATOMS gather 

together to materialize this entity into the space time continuum of this relative universe,

Atoms each have a degree of varying densities, we have "dense" physical atoms, and 

much less dense Ethereal atoms . When we meditate after a while of practice we will

gradually loose our dense physical atoms, and begin to assimilate far less dense Ethereal

atoms, these atoms have a much greater degree of Spiritual LIGHT than the lesser

dense physical atoms, this is why we use the term of ENLIGHTENMENT, we attract

more LIGHT into our being from the Ethereal atoms.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it nto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday, 14 May 2023



This blog today entitled SPIRALED is about how LIFE universally rotates

and spirals out of a singularity vortex and into this relative duality based physical

universe, as a phenomenon of substance which is LIFE.

The NOUMENON from where all life emerges from which is the singularity point

of reference , does not exist in this relative universe, because it is Absolute and thereby

transcendent of this relative universe. Spirit is LIFE in MOTION, which has gained 

motion through passing through a singularity vortex which condenses Pure Spirit

into a point of Localized reference , and this reference point penetrates into this 

relative universe as a sub atomic point of pure intelligence energy, which then becomes

clothed in KOSHIC layers of aware density so that it can grow and emerge as a life form

in this universe.

We need to understand that life is fully PRESENT EVERYWHERE in this universe, all

the stars and planets are alive. LIFE means having "ATOMIC VIBRATION" if something

has zero vibration like PURE SPIRIT or GOD, then it does not EXIST in this universe

rather it is transcendent of it and is ABSOLUTE BEING.

All stars vibrate, all planets vibrate, mountains vibrate, there in NO-THING in this 

universe that does not vibrate and by this description all is alive universally

All life emerges into this physical dimensional universe via a singularity point of 

reference , not just human beings but all life. Flowers are all parts of life reference by

an invisible field of spiralling rotational electromagnetic fields and at the centre of all

these electromagnetic fields is a single point a sub atomic point which is the "LIFE"

essence emerging into this relative universe.

The point is being referenced by the SPIRIT Intelligence on the other "SIDE" of the

PORTAL of Singularity .

"WE" emerge at the point as a PHENOMENON , the NOUMENON lies at the other

side of the singularity vortex.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 13 May 2023



This blog today entitled IF is about the real meaning of the word INDIVIDUALITY.

The word INDIVIDUAL means that which cannot be DIVIDED.

So if we are all individuals, we cannot then be divided, what does this mean?  In

truth "YOU" are the only individual, why? Because only "YOU" can know whether

something is really true or not, nobody else can know it for you. "YOU" are 

consciousness, and there is NO consciousness  "OUTSIDE" of "YOU".

We are all Pure Consciousness, the real YOU is NOT YOUR BODY, that is only 

an vehicle to allow consciousness to have a physical platform to engage in relative 

tangible experiences. There are eight billion physical body vehicles on this Earth,

but there is only ONE FIELD of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS and all eight billion

of "US" tune into and are that ONE FIELD of Pure Consciousness. Thoughts  are 

not pure consciousness , they are "wave" MOTIONS arising within this Absolute 

Infinite OCEAN of Pure Consciousness.

We are all absolutely and totally super submerged within this Quantum Field  of Pure

Consciousness We cannot be DIVIDED therefore you and Life universally cannot be

an INDIVIDUAL, because all is ONE FIELD of Pure Consciousness each TENDRIL

reaching out into its LOCALIZED Domain and going through the MOTIONS  of 

being expressed within a KOSHIC layers of awareness and dimensional densities and

thereby gathering up tangible experiences,

We You Me are all consciousness made into a POINT of REFERENCE which is your

physical body vehicle, that is your reference point of localized expression upon this earth

within that infinite field of consciousness in relative space time expressed continuum.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul realization

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 12 May 2023



This blog today entitled ISLAND is about how the INTRANSIENT  SELF (GOD

Brahman) localizes its Presence by adorning the KOSHIC "clothing" which will 

give its NUMEN the density it requires to become presented within this time space

continuum of this relative universe. The poem by JOHN DONNE 1572-1631  "No

man is an ISLAND" and further wrote that famous verse of for "whom the bell tolls

it tolls for THEE"", meaning that all life , people are all connected and interconnected

to each other , when one dies we all lose something.

This whole universe is ALIVE LIFE expressed means to have atomic and sub atomic

vibration, this "rule of life" applies to all stars and planets which are all ALIVE" having

atomic vibration =LIFE.

This planet Earth is called GAIA  the Goddess  of this planet. ALL is ALIVE and ALL

is connected universally. The SELF which is Absolute Pure Spirit in essence has manifested

a "THEATRE OF MOTION" which is this relative universe , The universe is a THEATRE

of MOTION, meaning LIFE which means Living-Intelligent-Focused Energy that is what 

LIFE actually "IS" It is the SELF moving from motionlessness and into motion (LIFE)

by an INTENTIONAL THOUGHT WAVE which became the Primordial Causeless Cause

which manifested motion (LIFE) from motionlessness (SPIRIT)  each one of US is WHOLLY

super connected within the WHOLSNESS of the ONE Being-less BEING singular 

Principle of ALL-NESS.

All LIFE is the PRESENCE of the SELF within this relative framework of the universe.

We can never be truly ALONE or abandoned  by fate, we are all SAFE(Spirit Alone

Forever Eternal) and we are ALLSPIRIT beneath our KOSHIC blankets of relativity.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

soul realization: THOUGHT IS MOTIONAL ENERGY. T I M E .

soul realization: THOUGHT IS MOTIONAL ENERGY. T I M E .:  For me this universe is basically a  product of thought, an intention to cause motion by that of a thought wave manifesting within the Abso...

Thursday, 11 May 2023



This blog today entitled USE is about how the SELF which is the Absolute Source

of all that exists universally and also transcendent of this relative universe. The UNBORN

eternal SELF which we call GOD/Brahman. This SELF expresses its SOURCE within

a CENTILLION number of diverse ways, throughout this relative universe.

Each expression is clothed in its own unique KOSHIC covering. It is only the 

phenomenal expression that has the motioning sequence of coming and going (birth

and death) while the SOURCE essence which is that of the NOUMENON forever 

remains still  and motionless. The SELF never moves and has never had a beginning

it is an Eternal UNBORN Absolute Principle of ALL that "IS". The SELF is ALL

and NO-THING simultaneously. LIFE which is the expression of the SELF is 

expressed in MOTION atomic vibration. That is what expression means that of

motion through INTENTION TO BECOME.

All life is the motioning sequence of eternal stillness and motionlessness. Life

has a KOSHIC body of adornment , this adornment has inbuilt cycles within it.

For us human beings our cycle is being born on Earth motioning through your

years here gathering experiences, then dying and returning back to the Astral

realm which you were in before you incarnated here, being born Earth  dying 

Astral is our human life sequence that we are all busy engaged within .

But at the very matrix of our being lies the SELF which is completely unaffected

by you periphery motioning life experience.

We are born and die many times until we discover that in ESSENCE we all our

this UNBORN Eternal SELF, when we do that we can if we chose to STEP OUT

of LIFE into the Eternal MODE of BEING SELF. At  that point you can CHOOSE.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: ETHERIC CHAKRAS HOLD OUR ENERGY DIVERSITY. ...:   This blog today entitled ECHOED is about how ETHERIC energy that pulsates  through our chakra portals is an inner force of etheric energy ...

Wednesday, 10 May 2023



This blog today entitled OILS is about how our INTUITION can and does 

locate our Higher Self  which is also our true Immortal Spirit.

The word INTUITION means literally to be "taught from within" our intuition

is placed within each one of us by Divine Universal Wisdom. and it "ACTS" as

our "Personal Guru" the MASTER within each one of us on Earth,

Every human being on this planet has his/her own personal inner Guru there

vouchsafed within you. All we have to do is to venture within ourselves, and 

take up the ;practice of meditation , which will then place us in the right place

to make mental contact with our intuition faculty which in inbuilt within each one

of us. When we can enter int that inner silence and let go of all thoughts, we then can

begin to make contact with this "Still small inner voice" within us which is that of

our intuition . We are all familiar with our lower self which is that of your ego 

personality, and your thoughts about your individuality, but most of us are not 

aware of our HIGHER SELF. This only begins to DAWN on us after we make 

contact with our INTUITION and we hear that "still small inner voice" , We

can pose a question to ourselves by asking the question of Who am I really? 

If we ask  this question our inner intelligence will become activated and our

intuition will begin the process of Teaching you exactly who and what you 

really ARE.

It will LOCATE your inner true BEING your Higher Self, which will educate

you into your real immortal Divine Identity.

Our Intuition is our Divine inner Guide to FULL SELF KNOWING, you do not

need to take my word for this, just go within YOUR self and find out about YOUR

INTUITION? What have you got to lose!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023



This blog today entitled SEEN is about the explanation of an ancient occult 

Maxim which states that "SPACE IS AN ENTITY" and this blog is about  the

IDEA of expressing this MAXIM into how it uncoils into that of LIFE being 

expressed universally. Understanding that all LIFE which stands for Living-

Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE, and this life form "occupies space" by its

presenting bodily formation.

Humanity for instance consists of around 8 billion occupiers of this entity of

space by the presence of our physical bodies. Our bodies "OCCUPY SPACE"

because we have become TANGIBLE and condensed living energy. SPACE is

a LIVING FIELD of CONSCIOUSNESS awareness that is infinite and all 

embracing. This FIELD of SPACE which is the MIND of Absolute Intelligence

is basically a THEATRE of Tangible Motioning UNITS (YOU and ME) that

have coalesced and condensed (become localized) into Tangible LIFE and thereby

become occupiers of that field of space.

We need to understand that life is always the phenomenon the visible tip of spirit

that pierces the veil of spirit essence into the relative domain which is then called

LIFE. The intangible spirit (GOD) is the NOUMENON  which is transcendent of

SPACE. Space is relative a field of relative consciousness that is open for "occupation"

by tangible universal life,

We can ever only see the tangible phenomenon which we call  life. We will never see

the invisible NOUMENON  which is the essence of all that "IS".

SEEN is about understanding you the OCCUPIER of this entity of SPACE and revealing

that this is "YOU" without your KOSHIC layers of substance!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Monday, 8 May 2023


This blog today entitled KNOWN is about how we open the door onto eternal

wisdom by first understanding what NOW actually is. For it is written in the

ancient wisdom of now that," To know NOW, is to know ALL"  because now

is the very embodiment of all there is in this universe, and is the very MATRIX

of all that "IS". This entire relative universe is "balanced" within a "POINT" of

the eternal absolute infinite NOW. NOW can b be seen to stand for  no-thing 

omnipresent-wisdom= NOW.

KNOWN is about "YOU" dear reader of this blog, you "ARE" the NOW "embodied

in form" your physical vehicle, so by venturing into your SELF and tuning into that

inner stillness that lies within you, then you begin to tune into "your inner SELF" 

which is that of the NOW (DISEMBODIED) (GOD/NUMEN/YOU?) 

All universal wisdom lies within YOUR-SELF, by going within the Self we will 

automatically be put in touch with who you really ARE you INTUITION  will do

this for you when you practice meditation and let go of all thoughts and enter into

the inner silence. Here your intuition will direct into the HOME of all  universal

wisdom , which lies hidden within all of humanity buries under a thick blanket

of ignorance.

The NOW is Eternal Infinite Wisdom from which all NUMINOSITY arises within 

and returns to. The NOW is the SOURCE of all there IS and will EVER BE,

The NOW is motionlessness eternally ever still. "WE" the expressions (numen YOU)

and this relative universe  "MOVE" through this eternal stillness, in what we call

EVOLUTION which means "motion through stillness."

NOW is a FIXED eternal POINT, from which this universe rotates around that


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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Sunday, 7 May 2023



This blog today entitled VISITS is about the incarnating sequence that operates 

within humanity , that ferries us to and fro from the Astral Realm and back to

this planet Earth. This sequence is displayed within a field of electromagnetism

that completely enfolds the individual incoming life stream (you( in its embrace.

The formation of this sequence is in a vertical infinity symbol sequence which

is that that which looks like this "8" this sequence can be likened to a MOBIUS

STRIP where you can motion through this strip and n ever find the end,

All of humanity are both anchored within the Astral realm , and also anchored here

on Earth until its time to leave (die, change venues). 

The sequence downward into incarnation resembles as "S" shaped formation 

which is exactly half of the full "8" sequence  , the S shaped earthward  formation 

is a clockwise S formation, and it remains in status for the whole of your time on

Earth. When the grim reaper appears at death the downward clockwise S formation

ceases, and then a counter clockwise S vertical sequences opens up and ferries the

now "dead" soul upwards and back into the astral realm where it left before 

incarnating here.

The sequence then terminates until its time to return here. We all have an Astral body

which interpenetrates the physical body, and we use this body nightly in our sleep

state, where we all visit the astral realms, Because most of us forget these nightly travels

we are often unaware of this regular sequence taking place. All of humanity is locked

into this sequence of the Mobius Strip conveyer belt sequence , until we can fully know

ourselves to be Divine SPIRIT. When we can fully know we are SELF eternal unborn

BEING. we can then TRANSCEND this sequence, and thereby never have to return to

this planet ever again, unless of course you choose to do so.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

Saturday, 6 May 2023



This blog today entitled ELEMENTAL is about how SPIRIT becomes Localized

into this relative universe and thereby enters the domain of Motional Life being 

expressed within infinite diversity universally.

Question, what is Life ? The answer is that LIFE which stands for Living-Intelligent

-Focused-Energy-is that of SPIRIT Absolute becoming enfolded within relative layers

of vibrational energy which is expressed in varying dimensional densities which we call

KOSHAS. Basically Life equates that of Spirit clothed in KOSHIC coverings.

Remove the KOSHAS and what is left is PURE SPIRIT.

Spirit in its unexpressed omnipresent Absolute stateless state is eternally motionless

and ever still, the reason for this is that PURE SPIRIT is omnipresent and ubiquitous 

present EVERYWHERE simultaneously so there is ZERO need of ANY motion in 

that stateless state of Absolute BEING.

All life universal has but ONE THING in common and that is it MOVES, all life

has vibrational atomic expression . MOTION is the underlying primal force in this

universe. MOTION under-rights all force in this universe, motion and LIFE are

synonymous. Spirit essence is absorbed into the membrane or template then it becomes

"MOTIONED" into relativity and is clothed in layers of KOSHAS in our case being

human beings we each have five layers of dimensional density that expresses our full 

potential as human beings in the evolutionary arc that humanity is engaged within.

Spirit then is localized into relative life by compressed intentional focus of Divine will

to become localized life and tangible entities that can gather up valuable experiences

of dense motional physical human life.

ELEMENTAL is your journey into an expressional mode of being a relative life form.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks


soul realization: SACREDNESS OF UNIVERSAL LIFE. S O U L .:  There are an infinite number of things within this relative temporal universe, but there is only ONE LIFE FORCE or ENERGY,  life emanates f...

Friday, 5 May 2023



This blog today entitled WORKS is about how it is of paramount importance

that we all get the opportunity to fully know who and what we really are. The

prerequisite to fully knowing ourselves is that we all need to go within ourselves

and take up the practice of meditation or yoga. Herein the inner silence the SELF

who is the REAL YOU can be fund. WORKS is about that very thing of full

SELF KNOWING. Of all the things we need to know in life the most fundamental 

thing to KNOW is WHO you really ARE? And what you truly are, all other things

pale into insignificance when compared to fully KNOWING your SELF!

We are all familiar with the lower self, which is that of your ego personality, your idea

of being an individual who has certain qualities, but the inner real SELF  is mostly

completely unknown to hundreds of millions of us.

Your real SELF is that inner matrix that centre point that connects you to the 

WHOLENESS of BEING, which is Divine Spirit Intelligence the SELF is for want

of a better word  (GOD/GREAT SPIRIT)

A great master was once asked by a devotee the question of what is the difference 

between you and me master?  To which the master replied I am GOD and I KNOW

that I am GOD. YOU  are GOD but you do not know that you are, that is the 

difference between us.

All life is Divine by nature and human beings are at the APEX ARC of their evolution

ascension cycle. 

There is now only a thin VEIL that hides the REAL SELF which is the ETERNAL

ONE who is the SELF.

All you have to do is to go within yourself meditate in the silence make conscious

contact with your INTUITION and follow the inner prompts of the spirit, then you

will know "YOUR SELF".

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Sou. Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 4 May 2023



This blog today entitled LUCIDLY is about the sequence of motions that come

about, which permit Pure Spirit Consciousness to become embodied within an

energy matrix that will enable the SPIRIT to become Localized into a  point of

reference , so that it can become able to enter into the relative space time continuum

of this relative universe.

Pure Spirit Consciousness is omnipresent and ubiquitous, so that for it to become 

presented into relativity it needs to become "LOCALIZED" into this relative 

universe. In its PURE state it is Absolute and cannot enter into this relative state

of expression. LOCALIZATION of an universal CONSTANT that of Pure Absolute

Spirit , means that it has to "SURRENDER"  its omnipresence being and thereby 

become  able to enter into DENSITY, which is a state of being  super condensed and

compressed within a singularity vortex which then LOCALIZES  the spirit into a 

POINT of localized REFERENCE, that reference point is the matrix entrance of 

Spirit into relative life. All life universally is basically an invisible electromagnetic 

field  of undulating energy (double torus field) which embraces the point of 

reference and holds it in this coherence embrace until it is no longer required.

With mankind the singularity point of reference  is held in the heart chakra  that

point is the centre of the magnetic field that completely surrounds all life humanity


Life is basically SPIRIT on the MOVE, Life is a KOSHIC covering that permits PURE

Absolute Spirit entrance into this super dense relative physical realm.

Life is SPIRIT moving through DENSITY and exploring the contours of expressional

motioning. We are all SPIRIT , life only exists at this low level density, above this life

cannot EXIST, remember that LIFE is relative NOT ETERNAL, "WE" as SPIRIT are

all TOTALLY transcendent of all LIFE, because "WE" are all UNBORN eternal BEING,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonated within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

Wednesday, 3 May 2023



This blog today entitled BLISS is about what lies behind the presentation of relative

life universally? "Life is the motioned point of STILLNESS that has arisen within


All life presented universally is all virtually and factually the very embodiment of

that wonderful feeling of radiant BLISS. Humanity as a whole is that of BLISS

walking on two legs, and yet in most of us this feeling of radiant bliss is absent 

within our lives, why is this? The reason that radiant bliss is absent in so many lives

is because we fail to know who we really are. If we looked deeply within ourselves

we would thereby become acquainted with bliss, because that is what we are all made

of in the core matrix of our being.

Humanity is LIFE presented outwardly , and PURE SPIRIT inwardly. The answer lies

"within us all" if you want to become "bathed" in radiant bliss then we need to uncover

that dense blanket of ignorance that keeps us from knowing our true immortal being.

LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy =LIFE that is what we all are 

FOCUSED ENERGY that is animated by the LIFE SOURCE  which is that of SPIRIT.

LIFE can be seen as the TENDRILS of SPIRIT reaching out from the ABSOLUTE

stillness of perpetual bliss, and into motioning life feeling what it is like to be a 

motioning relative being.

This is what  we all our doing dear reader of this blog, each one of us are gathering up

experiences of tangible motioning life, interacting with each other and feeling what it is

like to be in the MOTION of expressing life, we are all moving in relative pace to each

other, in SPIRIT there is ZERO MOTION as then "WE" are all omnipresent and

ubiquitous, so that motion is never NEEDED as by then we are everywhere and nowhere

simultaneously, here in the Absolute the idea of MOTION would be ABSURD.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization/

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


soul realization: ILLUSION OF DEATH IT NEVER EMERGES. I O D...:  We can now be all fully reassured as even science tells us that energy can never be destroyed only transferred or transformed into another ...

Tuesday, 2 May 2023



This blog today entitled AEONIC is about how all LIFE (expression/motion) rises

lout of the Absolute ocean of NOW which is that of Pure Spirit  Source, which is

an Infinite Eternal ocean of pure Absolute Potentiality undifferentiated Source matrix.

LIFE rises up within this Absolute ocean of NOW . as a WAVE rising up in the ocean

this WAVE (Life being motioned by INTENTION) rises up into a Relative dimension

which is this physical universe. And is thereby clothed and protected from the grossness

of matter by wearing KOSHIC coverings that permit the now becoming Life Force

entry into lower levels of vibration density.

All life universally "rises up" out of the Absolute ground-state ocean of NOW and is

presented in a "swell format" which is that of a LIFE-WAVE. All  life universally is

firmly anchored into  that eternal ocean of NOW, that NOW is our inner matrix point 

of reference , so that LIFE Expressed  YOU and ME can never become LOST at SEA

because we are all firmly anchored into the SOURCE OCEAN of ALL-NESS.

AEONIC is about revealing that all life is really consciousness that has been 

"IN-FORMED" by a KOSHIC covering which gives it dimensional density so that

it can perform its role of expression here on Earth or else where in the universe,

Humanity is n o exception to this universal role of expressional density options for

varied life expressions. We are all clothed in five KOSHIC coverings which extend

through five dimensions of self aware consciousness. Our physical body vehicle is 

the lowest density expression.

All human beings are all firmly anchored into the Eternal Ocean of NOW at our 

core matrix level ,WE are ALL eternally SAFE forever.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcome Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and fiends Thanks

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .

soul realization: UNBORN SPIRIT. U S .:  "WE" have never been born, therefore how could you possibly die?? What is "born" is a vehicle you use to gather experie...

Monday, 1 May 2023

soul realization: THEORY OF EVERYTHING SPIRIT. T O E S .

soul realization: THEORY OF EVERYTHING SPIRIT. T O E S .:   Todays blog has two titles that both spell out the word TOES, one is the theory  of everything spirit. and the other is Transcendent Omnip...



This blog SPILLS is about how ABSOLUTE SPIRIT (GOD/BRAHMAN) presents

its SELF into the relative SPECTRUM  which we all call LIFE. This process is

sequentially presented universally on an infinite number of other worlds.

Here on planet Earth life is presented in a multiple diverse way, but each Diverse

presentation of life has all got the very SAME ANCHOR POINT of REFERENCE,

which is that of PURE SPIRIT.

The very subatomic matrix point of all LIFE universally presented is that of PURE

Absolute Spirit.

"WE" that of Humanity are no exception to this universal rule of expression, every

human being is totally locked into this presented SEQUENCE of being expressed 

within a RELATIVE SPECTRUM of condensed congealed  LIGHT ENERGY.

"WE" are all in a PRIORITY Sequence that  of being SPIRIT first, then LIFE

second, and third, in our case a HUMAN BEING, that is the presented sequence 

that we hum an beings are all expressed within..

Our destiny as human beings is two fold, one is to gather up tangible experiences of

relative life and interactions, and the other is to WAKE UP and realize who and what

you really are.

To be able to realize how you are being presented in this "LIFE THEATRE" on 

EARTH? It can take many journeys here to fully wake up and realize who and what

you really are, that's why Divine Intelligence manifested the ASTRAL REALMS

so that when we exit the vehicle  (DIE) (change venues) we ascend into the Astral planes

in our Astral Body (which interpenetrates our physical body from birth) and rest up 

for a while, take stock of our last visit here, before coming back here in a brand new

vehicle to begin the process of waking up and gathering valuable tangible experiences

along the way.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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