This blog today which is called ALIVE, will explore what LIFE actually is, and
that is not what we commonly think it is. This whole universe vibrates an infinity
of vibrations that all move in a perfection of perpetual motion. Vibration and LIFE
are ONE of the same thing. This reveals when we fully understand it to mean that,
this entire universe is FULLY ALIVE, all the stars, planets etc, are all alive meaning
they all have ATOMIC VIBRATION and if it vibrates within this infinite spectrum
of perpetual motion , then it is ALIVE.
This whole universe is fully alive, there is NOT ONE DEAD THING ANYWHERE
within the infinity of this relative universe, ALL IS ALIVE,
Life and Motion are interwoven as one expression, when there is ZERO MOTION
then there is ZERO LIFE, what is PRESENT in ZERO MOTION is PURE SPIRIT
or GOD, which is TRANSCENDENT of all LIFE and Motion.
The Injunction written in the BIBLE which states "BE STILL and KNOW That I AM
GOD" explains fully that STILLNESS is the way of TRANSCENDENCE and LIES
way BEYOND LIFE which is that of a relative phenomenon, "WE" that of Humanity
are all "motioning Life Phenomenon" on the outer periphery, but deep within us all lies
profound STILLNESS. which is the core matrix of our BEING.
We are all in Essence transcendent of vibratory life, and are all eternal immortal BEING.
We are human on the outside , and Divine Spirit on the inside.
This blog ALIVE is about KNOWING just who we really ARE, Beyond all VIBRATION
WE move into Eternal stillness, STILLNESS is YOUR inner eternal NATURE of BEING.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks,