Wednesday 17 May 2023



This blog today entitled TOUCHED is about how what we call LIFE rises up out

of the INFINITE OCEAN of Consciousness. which is that of PURE SPIRIT.

and the "RISING UP" in a "WAVE" is what is called LIFE, "LIFE WAVES" is

what all life is universally, and here  we need to be mindful that LIFE includes

all the stars and planets as well. LIFE is an emergent Spirit  which thereby 

TRANSFORMS into what we call life on the "CREST OF A WAVE"  the CREST

is the HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE that emerges our from the Absolute ocean of

consciousness and PIERCES the MEMBRANE which is the sub atomic barrier

between the Absolute and that of relativity. Consciousness in its PURE Stateless

state is what is called the NOUMENON which is what the ESSENCE of all  life

which is the phenomenon, that which emerges into relativity.

Life universally is a holographic image which reveals the phenomenal projection 

which becomes visible in our relative dimension, we never see the MATRIX of 

life essence which is that of Pure Spirit consciousness which is called the NOUMENON.

"WE"  humanity and all life universally have all risen up out of the Divine Fluidic 

Ocean of pure consciousness, and become expressed (motioned into being) a LIFE

Form   a "LIVING WAVE" of motioned intention.

TOUCHED is about getting "IN TOUCH" with our inner being, by going within

ourselves and practicing meditation , entering  into that FORMIDABLE SILENCE,

deep within your SELF there you will make contact with the ESSENCE of LIFE

which is the Eternal Ocean of Consciousness, here you the phenomenal shaped LIFE

WAVE will then make conscious contact with this ESSENCE of your BEING which

lies in the Eternal ocean of NOW!

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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