Sunday 14 May 2023



This blog today entitled SPIRALED is about how LIFE universally rotates

and spirals out of a singularity vortex and into this relative duality based physical

universe, as a phenomenon of substance which is LIFE.

The NOUMENON from where all life emerges from which is the singularity point

of reference , does not exist in this relative universe, because it is Absolute and thereby

transcendent of this relative universe. Spirit is LIFE in MOTION, which has gained 

motion through passing through a singularity vortex which condenses Pure Spirit

into a point of Localized reference , and this reference point penetrates into this 

relative universe as a sub atomic point of pure intelligence energy, which then becomes

clothed in KOSHIC layers of aware density so that it can grow and emerge as a life form

in this universe.

We need to understand that life is fully PRESENT EVERYWHERE in this universe, all

the stars and planets are alive. LIFE means having "ATOMIC VIBRATION" if something

has zero vibration like PURE SPIRIT or GOD, then it does not EXIST in this universe

rather it is transcendent of it and is ABSOLUTE BEING.

All stars vibrate, all planets vibrate, mountains vibrate, there in NO-THING in this 

universe that does not vibrate and by this description all is alive universally

All life emerges into this physical dimensional universe via a singularity point of 

reference , not just human beings but all life. Flowers are all parts of life reference by

an invisible field of spiralling rotational electromagnetic fields and at the centre of all

these electromagnetic fields is a single point a sub atomic point which is the "LIFE"

essence emerging into this relative universe.

The point is being referenced by the SPIRIT Intelligence on the other "SIDE" of the

PORTAL of Singularity .

"WE" emerge at the point as a PHENOMENON , the NOUMENON lies at the other

side of the singularity vortex.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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