Thursday 4 May 2023



This blog today entitled LUCIDLY is about the sequence of motions that come

about, which permit Pure Spirit Consciousness to become embodied within an

energy matrix that will enable the SPIRIT to become Localized into a  point of

reference , so that it can become able to enter into the relative space time continuum

of this relative universe.

Pure Spirit Consciousness is omnipresent and ubiquitous, so that for it to become 

presented into relativity it needs to become "LOCALIZED" into this relative 

universe. In its PURE state it is Absolute and cannot enter into this relative state

of expression. LOCALIZATION of an universal CONSTANT that of Pure Absolute

Spirit , means that it has to "SURRENDER"  its omnipresence being and thereby 

become  able to enter into DENSITY, which is a state of being  super condensed and

compressed within a singularity vortex which then LOCALIZES  the spirit into a 

POINT of localized REFERENCE, that reference point is the matrix entrance of 

Spirit into relative life. All life universally is basically an invisible electromagnetic 

field  of undulating energy (double torus field) which embraces the point of 

reference and holds it in this coherence embrace until it is no longer required.

With mankind the singularity point of reference  is held in the heart chakra  that

point is the centre of the magnetic field that completely surrounds all life humanity


Life is basically SPIRIT on the MOVE, Life is a KOSHIC covering that permits PURE

Absolute Spirit entrance into this super dense relative physical realm.

Life is SPIRIT moving through DENSITY and exploring the contours of expressional

motioning. We are all SPIRIT , life only exists at this low level density, above this life

cannot EXIST, remember that LIFE is relative NOT ETERNAL, "WE" as SPIRIT are

all TOTALLY transcendent of all LIFE, because "WE" are all UNBORN eternal BEING,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonated within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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