This blog today entitled TOLD is the story of LIFE a chapter of expression which
spans countless billions of relative time years. To understand LIFE we must first
ascertain from whence life primordially arose from. In essence at the matrix of all
life universally lies MOTION, MOTION and LIFE are both intrinsically entangled
you cannot have one without the other.
So now we know that all life is in motion (atomic vibration) , but this does not explain
as to where this MOTION which is LIFE came from ? To understand this question
we need to dive deeper into the sub atomic core of life, which is that of Absolute
Intelligence which we call SPIRIT or GOD.
Spirit or GOD are eternally motionlessness and are Transcendent of all Life which
is that of "MOTIONED INTENTION" . The TENDRILS of life branch out
universally from ONE CENTRAL POINT, this point is where the Absolute and
Relativity meet the point is that MEMBRANE from which emerges "LIFE
THOUGHT WAVE from within the Absolute Mind of the ONE SOURCE.
The word EXISTENCE means that this "POINT of REFERENCE" is a relative
packet of life expression, which now has atomic vibration and has the PRESENCE"
of that of "occupying" a portion of SPACE, so that it can live move and have its being,
Where life comes from is therefore PURE SPIRIT, which does "NOT EXIST"!
The Source of all Life does NOT EXIST, existence means being RELATIVE. That
which is UNBORN and ETERNAL TRANSCENDS LIFE and Existence and just
We that of Humanity are all TENDRIL Runners of that NOUMENON "SEED
THOUGHT" ,When we fully know OUR SELF our TENDRIL DAYS are OVER!
"WE" then move back into STILLNESS from whence we all came from.
Warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
God bless u brother