The unborn reality governing expressed human life is US. All LIFE is UNBORN , for all
life is ETERNAL, eternal means NO BEGINNING or ANY ENDING always there living
eternally. What we all mistake as death is really the transferring of the ESSENCE from the
physical reality, into the astral plane reality. Our living ENERGY eternal life force is
completely unaffected by what we term as life and death. The word death is basically
meaningless, because in our gross ignorance we are led to believe this false assumption
that the physical vehicle is who you really are, which is completely a totally false
assumption. Our physical bodies are just biological machines vehicles, which is not who
you really ARE! No more than the car you drive to work in is really YOU! If you really
identified your self as being the car you drive to work in, you would bring the attention
of mental health doctors to your front door! Yet we all think that our physical vehicles are
whom we really are!
This illusion needs to be smashed, and we need to wake up, and smell the roses, to see the
wood through the trees. The LIFE ESSENCE which is pure SPIRIT ENERGY is ETERNAL
and THEREFORE FOREVER UNBORN, as we all appear to be at physical birth, What we
call birth here is just our LIFE ESSENCE flowing down from the Astral Plane and into the
dense physical Earth plane, where we then exit the physical womb, and begin another physical
incarnation here on Earth, a journey that we have all made many many times over thousands
of countless years before.
The URGE that we all feel at times, when we look within ourselves for the answer to life's
riddle, is an instinctive urge that arises from very deep within us, urging us to awaken from
our aeonic slumber, and realise our true immortal eternal identity.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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