Saturday 18 September 2021


 One  by one mankind comes out of the CLOSET of the lower EGOIC self, which is full of

thoughts and nothing else, this is the mind=(holder of thoughts) and thereby reach within 

themselves and seek contact with their higher self, the Divine immortal soul that we 

instinctively feel is there, but are often so distracted with the trivialities of our life, that we

fail to heed this inner urge that tries to get our attention.

We are all configured within five layers of energy, that provide "clothing" blanketing the

intangible nebulous spirit which is living light energy, with a covering that permits this 'purity

of ESSENCE' to manifest in low level gross vibrations states ,it also permits dimensional 

interactions on several levels simultaneously.

Simply put we are tangible on the physical and ethereal planes of reference, and intangible 

within the core of our BEING. There 'we' are the SOURCE being expressed through diverse

ways  into 7.7 billion souls here on Earth.

Tangibility is the SOURCE referencing this phenomena with the act of GATHERING

EXPERIENCES of TANGIBLE INTERACTIONS, over many life times gathering 

enough experiences to finally awaken the physical reference point (YOU and ME)  into the

realization that all these emotional entanglements we have experienced, has finally penetrated

through the five levels of expression.

The five koshas and made an impression within your consciousness that you are more than 

just a mere mortal soul here for just four score and ten years then die into oblivion.

You then instinctively feel the EMOTION (moved)  of the higher self within you, and the

KNOW beyond any shadow of DOUBT that you are indeed, an IMMORTAL SOUL.

This wondrous moment of realization will see your lower self rise up and thereby meet the

Higher self reaching downwards and the two will CONNECT within the heart chakra.

Then your consciousness and awareness will expand way beyond your wildest dreams.

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul  Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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