Thursday 9 September 2021


 'WE' that of humanity are all the PRESENCE manifesting within a biological body we call

a human being. The Presence is the life force that animates us all. The NUMEN presence 

which is a Latin word meaning Divinity or a Presence, that lies within us all.

When we in times of crisis or blissful joy feel a presence around us, this presence is

actually rising up from within you. Unbeknown to many of us in humanity, we are all 

Divine NUMEN beings. That Divinity lies within the core of our being and rises to the 

surface when we connect to it, either by design as in meditation of yoga, or by circumstances

arising within us like great joy of crisis.

Our physical bodies are just vehicles that enable Divinity access to this physical dimension.

the physical body acts as a dead weight, an anchor that holds the Divine resident in stasis while

then being able to gather valuable experiences.

We get so attached to our vehicles that we become blind to the real nature of your body. The

basic design of the human body which is a biological machine, wonderful as it truly is ,

but that vehicle is NOT WHO YOU ARE!!! Your body is a vehicle nothing more than that.

The car you drive to work in is the same thing , the only difference is that one vehicle the car

is made out of pressed tin and rubber, and the other vehicle YOU is made of flesh and bone,

both are vehicles nothing more than that.

If we can make the choice to recast our gaze inwards ,instead of forever outwards we will then

be heading is a direction that will eventually put us in touch with that Divine Presence that

dwells within every human heart upon this planet.

By taking up yoga or meditation, or just self enquiry asking the question WHO AM "I"? this

will invoke a response deep within us.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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