There is a circle of nameless masters who have as a mark of service and love for their fellow
brothers and sisters, have postponed their further expansion and blissful union within the whole,
and have decided to stay in the ethereal realms close to this earth planet, and assist those who are
seeking to know their true identity.
Those who are meditating and managing to get into the alpha and theta brain wave patterns, are
being noticed by the circle of masters. in accordance to the ancient occult maxim that states
"when when the pupil is ready, the master appears". because they send out a lighted signal within
the ethereal realm, a light illumines within there head, a light invisible to us, but very visible to
those who have the eyes to see that ethereal light.
When a seeker soul is noticed the masters use their power to ignite the seekers neural pathways
which then expand the awareness and consciousness levels. This in turn also ignites the seekers
intuition levels which will then begin to reveal inner truths and wisdom of the way life really
These masters and there are many of them, remain nameless which is the way of love and that
of humility, they are not interested in names and status, their only interest is to be and give
service to their brothers and sisters.
When we go within ourselves and practice meditation, we begin to ignite the inner self, which
is the fire of life. In essence we are all SPIRIT at SOURCE, and spirit is a HOLY
(WHOLLY WHOLE) FIRE the LIVING FLAME of ALL LIFE, cool and pure in essence.
The HOLY (WHOLE) fire of expressed life is SPIRIT covered over and enfolded within
five layers of matter, each layer denser that the one before..
The nameless masters help us to uncover those layers and thereby reveal the living life
essence that is the divine immortal soul/spirit.
These masters remain completely anonymous and unknown to us all, that is the way of real
support and uplifted guidance. The majority of us all receive their help without even knowing
that it was given, that is the way of true humility and honourable integrity.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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