Friday 24 September 2021


 Science  has long been searching for the theory of everything the equation that would link

all of everything into one simple elegant theory. Albert Einstein thought he had it with his

unified field theory, but it still had some gaps in it that were not fully resolved within that

theory. The truth is that this whole universe is one unified field, and that one field is to me 

that of ENERGY pure and simple. As far as I have found out in over four decades of 

searching, and meditating is that there is ONLY ONE DOMINANT  thing in this universe

and that one thing is ENERGY ALONE. As far as I understand  NO-OTHER-THING 

exists in this universe except ENERGY. ZERO-ELSE . We use thousands of names for

what we surmise are all different things, but this is a grave error, and a fundamental mistake

because all NAMES resolve and dissolve into just ONE NAME which is ENERGY.

Even consciousness is reflected ENERGY. There are only two things that are not energy

and these two things do not even reside within this relative universe. The first one is that 

of the ABSOLUTE which stands transcendent outside of this relative universe. The other

is PURE AWARENESS,  which being PURE AWARENESS is not even aware of ITSELF!!!

The simple equation that would fit this TOE THEORY  is that ALL is ENERGY and that 

ERERGY is ALL A=E E=A squared.

Atoms, plasma, matter, light, magnetism, gravity, all these things are basically ENERGY.

That is all there is existing in this universe, no-thing else exists except ENERGY.

Thoughts are energy, and thoughts are things, and all things resolves themselves into that 

one composite wholeness which is ENERGY and the final surprise that lies within the matrix

of energy is that all  energy is ALIVE and equates directly with LIFE which breaks down 

this equation which spells out LIVING-INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED-ENERGY =LIFE!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization/

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