Friday 14 May 2021


 The fundamental and basic thing that ROBS us of a full understanding of whom and what

we really are, is found in just one word, that word is IGNORANCE. When we are earnest in

an endeavour to reveal our true inner nature, by the process of self-enquiry, we then in truth

enter into the "removing business" we become removers of our basic ignorance that robs us

all of our fully knowing who we really are.

The removal of ignorance can be a long process or a shorted one, it really depends on how much 

we have done to prepare for this in previous life times. If we have made great progress  in previous

life times, then the time in this one will be much shorter.

There are many layers of ignorance that lie within us all, and when we enter into self enquiry, and

ask the question of who am "I"?  We then begin to peel back those layers of ignorance that have 

been within us all for ages long long past.

Each layer we peel away then another OBSTACLE  is removed which was blocking our view 

from the PURITY of the SELF, that dwells within us all.

As we enter into the removal business, and begin penetrating deeper into ourselves our awareness

and consciousness become much more expanded, we enter into the domain of intuition flashes

that act as updates in our inner journey, we begin to understand ourselves at a much deeper 

level, and we begin to become aware that our perceptions are becoming more sensitive and acute.

Each day bring a new dawning in realisation and the sudden understanding of things that only

a day or two ago, you had never even have heard of, let alone now understand!

When we enter into the deep profound silence that exists within us all, there in that silence a 

universal wisdom and profound understandings begin to SEEP INTO your consciousness and

perceptive awareness, this then brings about the realisation, that there is no such a thing as 

SELF REALIZATION you see the absurdity of such a foolish notion, because the SELF is

Absolute Eternal UNBORN and INFINITE, there is no self realisation possible EVER! 

What really occurs is that when YOU REMOVE the last OBSTACLE and your ignorance is

no more, you see that you have always been the SELF, but were unaware of this fact due to

layers of ignorance that obscured your view.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then pleasepass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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